Brian Houle, Samuel J Clark and Alicia Ely Yamin. 2015 In Press. "ʺThe impact of maternal
mortality on children'ʹs risk of dying in rural South Africa: evidence from a population-based
surveillance study (1992 - 2013)."ʺ BMC Reproductive Health. |
Publications, Articles |
Motherhood, Africa, Health Disparities, Morbidity/Mortality |
Wheldon, Mark, Adrian E. Raftery, Samuel J. Clark and Patrick Gerland. 2015 In Review. "ʺBayesian Population Reconstruction for Less Developed and Developed Countries."ʺ Population Studies. |
Publications, Articles |
Population |
Hall, Matthew and Kyle Crowder. 2015. “Native Out-Migration and Neighborhood Immigration in New Destinations.” Demography (forthcoming). |
Publications, Articles |
Immigration, Migration, Neighborhoods, Demography |
Zaba, Basia, Georges Reniers, Emma Slaymaker, Jim Todd, Judith Glynn, Mia Crampin, Mark
Urassa, Tom Lutalo4, Vicky Hosegood, Marie-Louise Newall, et al. 2015 In Press. "ʺResponse to
Dermot Maher article 'ʹThe ethics of feedback of HIV test results in population-based surveys of
HIV infection'ʹ."ʺ Bulletin of the World Health Organization. |
Publications, Articles |
Population, Population Health, Health Disparities |
Clark, Samuel J. 2015 In Preparation. "ʺA Singular Value Decomposition-based Factorization and Parsimonious Component Model of Demographic Quantities Correlated by Age Predicting Complete Demographic Age Schedules with Few Parameters."ʺ [Working Paper: arXiv:1504.02057v1]. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography |
Hall, Matthew, Kyle Crowder, and Amy Spring. 2015. “Variations in Housing Foreclosures by Race and Place, 2005-2012.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (forthcoming, 660 (1)). |
Publications, Articles |
Race and Ethnicity, Finance and Credit |
Clark, Samuel J., F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Brian Houle, Margaret Thorogood, Kerstin Klipstein- Grobusch, Nicole Angotti, Chodziwadziwa Kabudula, Jill Williams, Jane Menken and Stephen M. Tollman. 2015. "ʺCardiometabolic disease risk and HIV status in rural South Africa: establishing a baseline."ʺ BMC Public Health. |
Publications, Articles |
Africa, Health, Health Disparities, Public Health |
Clark, Samuel J., Clara Calvert, Zehang Li, Tyler H. McCormick, Basia Zaba and and others. 2015 In Preparation. "ʺNew Estimates of CSMF from ALPHA Network Sites."ʺ |
Publications, Articles |
Daniel Chirot and Daniel Karell, “Identity Construction and the Causes of Genocidal Mass Murder,” Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 14:3 (December 2015), pp. 484-499. |
Publications, Articles |
Conflict, Murder, Nationalism, Violence and Trauma |
Wheldon, Mark, Adrian E. Raftery, Samuel J. Clark and Patrick Gerland. 2015. "ʺBayesian
Reconstruction of Two-Sex Populations by Age: Estimating Sex Ratios at Birth and Sex Ratios of
Mortality."ʺ Journal of the Royal Statistical Association, Series A. |
Publications, Articles |
Morbidity/Mortality, Gender, Health |
Sharrow, David J., Yanjun He, Samuel J. Clark and Adrian E. Raftery. 2015 In Preparation. "ʺProbabilistic Projections of Mortality in Countries with Generalized HIV/AIDS Epidemics for Use in Total Population Projection."ʺ |
Publications, Articles |
Population, Population Health, Health Disparities |
Almquist, Z. W. and C. T. Butts (2014). Logistic Network Regression for Scalable Analysis of Networks with Joint Edge/Vertex Dynamics. Sociological Methodology 44(1), 273–321. |
Publications, Articles |
Group Dynamics, Social Networks |
Raftery, A.E., Alkema, L. and Gerland, P. (2014) “Bayesian Population Projections for the United Nations.” Statistical Science, 29:58–68. |
Publications, Articles |
Research Methods, Population |
Kluge F., Zagheni E., Loichinger E., and Vogt T. 2014. The Advantages of Demographic Change after the Wave: Fewer and Older, but Healthier, Greener, and more Productive? Plos One 9(9):e1085501. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography |
Lenkoski, A., Eicher, T.S. and Raftery, A.E. (2014). Bayesian Model Averaging and Endogeneity Under Model Uncertainty: An Application to Development Determinants. Econometric Reviews 33:122–151. |
Publications, Articles |
Research Methods, Population |
Malanson, George P., Ashton M. Verdery, Stephen J. Walsh, Yothin Sawangdee, Aree Jampaklay, Benjamin W. Heumann, Philip M. McDaniel, Brian G. Frizzelle, Nathalie E. Williams, Xiaozheng Yao, Barbara Entwisle, Ronald R. Rindfuss. 2014. “Changing Crops in Response to Climate: Virtual Nang Rong, Thailand in an Agent Based Simulation.” Applied Geography 53: 202-212. |
Publications, Articles |
Environment, South Asian |
Schmertmann C., Zagheni E., Goldstein J. and Myrskyla M. 2014. Bayesian Forecasting of Cohort Fertility. Journal of the American Statistical Association 109(506):500-513. |
Publications, Articles |
Fertility, Statistics |
Fosdick, B.K. and Raftery, A.E. (2014). Regional Probabilistic Fertility Forecasting by Modeling Between-Country Correlations. Demographic Research 30:1011–1034. |
Publications, Articles |
Research Methods, Population, Demography |
Fountain, Christine and Katherine Stovel. 2014. “Turbulent Networks: Social Capital, Employer Hiring Preferences and Labor Market Outcomes.” In Analytical Sociology: Norms, Actions and Networks. Gianluca Manzo, editor. Wiley & Sons. |
Publications |
Social Stratification/Inequality, Work and Occupations |
Williams, Nathalie E., Arland Thornton, and Linda Young-DeMarco. 2014. “Migrant Values and Beliefs: How are They Different and How do They Change?” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(5): 796-813. |
Publications, Articles |
Migration, Race and Ethnicity |
De Cao E., Zagheni E., Manfredi P. and Melegaro A. 2014. The Relative Importance of Frequency of Contacts and Time of Exposure for the Spread of Directly Transmitted Infections. Biostatistics 15(3):470-483. |
Publications, Articles |
Health, Socio-Biology |
Raftery, A.E., Lalic, N. and Gerland, P. (2014). Joint Probabilistic Projection of Female and Male Life Expectancy. Demographic Research 30:795–822. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Research Methods, Morbidity/Mortality |
Zagheni E., Garimella V.R.K., Weber I. and State B. 2014. Inferring International and Internal Migration Patterns from Twitter Data. WWW Companion 2014 439-444. |
Publications, Articles |
Migration, Media Studies, Technology, Research Methods |
Bao, L, Raftery, A.E. and Reddy, A. (2014). Estimating the Sizes of Populations at Risk of HIV Infection in Bangladesh Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model. Statistics and Its Interface, 8:125–136. |
Publications, Articles |
Population, South Asian, Research Methods |
Sˇevˇc´ıkov´a, H. and Raftery, A.E. (2014). Bayesian probabilistic population projections using R. In
Proceedings of the Sixth Eurostat/UNECE Work Session on Demographic Projections (M. Marsili and
G. Capacci, eds), Eurostat/UN/ISTAT, pp. 347–359. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Research Methods, Demography |