
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Wheldon, M.C., Raftery, A.E., Clark, S.J. and Gerland, P. (in press). Bayesian Reconstruction of Two-Sex Populations by Age: Estimating Sex Ratios at Birth and Sex Ratios of Mortality. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A: Statistics in Society, to appear. Publications, Articles
Levi, Margaret and Edgar Kiser. Forthcoming. “The History of Fiscal Regimes” in Walter Scheidel and Andrew Monson (eds) Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy of Premodern States. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. Publications, Book Chapters
McCormick, Tyler, Hedwig Lee, Nina Cesare and Ali Shojaie. "Using Twitter for Demographic and Social Science Research: Tools for Data Collection." Revise and Resubmit, Sociological Methods and Research Publications, Articles
Cesare, Nina, Hedwig Lee, Tyler McCormick, and Ali Shojaie. “Examining Demographic Trends in Political Opinion on Twitter: The Case of Gun Control.” Publications, Articles
Lee, Hedwig, Tyler McCormick, Margaret T. Hicken and Christopher Wildeman. “Inequalities in Connectedness to Imprisoned Individuals in the United States.” Forthcoming, DuBois Review: Social Science Research on Race Publications, Articles
Arseniev-Koehler, Alina, Hedwig Lee, Tyler McCormick, and Megan Moreno. "#proana: Pro-eating disorder socialization on Twitter." Publications, Articles
Pfaff, Steven, Michael Hechter and Katie E. Corcoran. Forthcoming, “The Problem of Solidarity in Insurgent Collective Action: The Nore Mutiny of 1797.” Social Science History. Publications, Articles
Lee, Hedwig, Athena Pantazis, Phoebe Chang, Phillipa J. Clark and Joyce M. Lee. “The Association between Adolescent and Young Adult Obesity and Disability Incidence in Adulthood.” Publications, Articles
Charles Hirschman, Forthcoming. From High School to College: Why Gender, Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Generation Still Matter. NY: Russell Sage Foundation Press. Publications, Books
Maltiel, R., Raftery, A.E., McCormick, T.H. and Baraff, A. (in press). Estimating Population Size Using the Network Scale Up Method. Annals of Applied Statistics, to appear. Publications, Articles
Crowder, Kyle and Liam Downey. “Family Structure, Residential Mobility, and Environmental Inequality.” Invitation to revise and resubmit to Social Problems. Publications, Articles
Crowder, Kyle, Kris Marsh, and Kivan Polimis. “Racial Differences in Neighborhood Outcomes: The Role of Adolescent Residential and Social Experiences.” Under journal review. Publications, Articles
Crowder, Kyle and Scott South. “Time, Space, and Neighborhood Effects: Explaining Racial Differences in Adolescent Problem Behavior.” Publications, Articles
Crowder, Kyle and Matthew Hall. “The Accumulation of Disadvantage: Racial Differences in Wealth and Residential Trajectories.” Publications, Articles
Crowder, Kyle. “The Changing Nature of White Flight: Thirty-Five Years of Stability and Change.” Publications, Articles
Crowder, Kyle. “Opening Doors? Changes in the Racial Stratification of Mobility Transitions, 1970-2009.” Publications, Articles
Krysan, Maria, and Kyle Crowder. 2017. Cycle of Segregation: Social Processes and Residential Stratification. New York: Russell Sage. Publications, Books
Crowder, Kyle, Scott J. South, Ying Huwang, and Amy Spring. “Neighborhood Attainment over the Adult Life Course.” Under journal review. Publications, Articles