
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Leibbrand, Christine, Erin Carll, Angela Bruns, and Hedy Lee. 2019. “Paternal Incarceration and Family Neighborhood Outcomes.” Social Science Research. Publications, Articles
Leibbrand, Christine. 2019. “Unequal Opportunity? Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in the Returns to Internal U.S. Migration.” Social Currents. Publications, Articles
Eger, Maureen A., and Sarah Valdez. 2019. “From radical right to neo-nationalist.” European Political Science 18(3): 379–399.  Publications, Articles
Stewart E. Tolnay, Woody E. Beck, Victoria Sass. “Migration and Protest in the Jim Crow South,”Social Science Research, 73:13-30 (July 2018). Publications, Articles
Bongki Woo, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, Victoria Sass, Kyle Crowder, Samantha Teixeira, David Takeuchi. “Residential Segregation and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Ambient Air Pollution.” Race and Social Problems, 11(1) 60-67 (October 2018). Publications, Articles
Beckett, Katherine, Lindsey R. Beach, Emily Knaphus, Anna Reosti. 2018. "US Criminal Justice Policy and Practice in the Twenty‐first Century: Toward the End of Mass Incarceration?" Law & Policy 40(4):321-345. Publications, Articles
Louie, Patricia and Blair Wheaton. 2018. “Prevalence and Patterning of Mental Disorder Through Adolescence in Three Cohorts of Black and White Americans.” American Journal of Epidemiology 187(11): 2332-38. Publications, Articles
Leibbrand, Christine and Kyle Crowder. 2018. “The Legacy of the PSID in Understanding Patterns of Migration and Residential Mobility.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 680(1): 172-192. Publications, Articles
Kraig Beyerlein, Peter Ryan, Aliyah Abu-Hazeem, and Amity Pauley. 2018. THE 2017 WOMEN'S MARCH: A NATIONAL STUDY OF SOLIDARITY EVENTS. Mobilization: An International Quarterly: December 2018, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 425-449. Publications, Articles
Lanfear, Charles C., Lindsey R. Beach, and Timothy A. Thomas. 2018. “Formal Social Control in Changing Neighborhoods: Racial Implications of Neighborhood Context on Reactive Policing.” City & Community 17(4):1075–99. Publications, Articles
Wurpts, Bernd, Katie E. Corcoran, and Steven Pfaff. 2018. “The Diffusion of Protestantism in Northern Europe: Historical Embeddedness and Complex Contagions in the Adoption of the Reformation.” Social Science History 42(2):213-244. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett. 2018. “The Politics, Peril and Promise of Criminal Justice Reform in the Context of Mass Incarceration.” Annual Review of Criminology 1: 235-59. Publications, Articles
Sarah Quinn. American Bonds: How Credit Markets Shaped a Nation. Princeton University Press. Princeton Studies in American Politics: Historical, International, and Comparative Perspectives. 2019. Publications, Books
Tomczuk, Sara J. 2018. “Contact in integrated church-affiliated organizations: Brokering Roma/majority relations and mediating threat to majority group position in Slovak towns.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Publications, Articles
Snedker, Karen A., Lindsey R. Beach, Katie E. Corcoran. 2017. "Beyond the 'Revolving Door?': Incentives and Criminal Recidivism in a Mental Health Court." Criminal Justice and Behavior 44(9):1141-1162.  Publications, Articles
Leibbrand, Christine. 2017. Flexibility or Constraint: The Implications of Mothers’ and Fathers’ Nonstandard Schedules for Children Behavioral Outcomes.” Journal of Family Issues 39(8): 2336-2365. Publications, Articles
Kiser, Edgar and Steven M. Karceski. 2017. “Political Economy of Taxation.” Annual Review of Political Science 20(1). Publications, Articles
J. Trent Alexander, Christine Leibbrand, Catherine G. Massey, and Stewart E. Tolnay. 2017. “Second-Generation Outcomes of the Great Migration.” Demography. 54(6):2249-2271. Publications, Articles
Victoria Sass, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, Steven M. Karceski, Anjum Hajat, Kyle Crowder, David Takeuchi. 2017 "The effects of air pollution on individual psychological distress," Health & Place, 48:72-79, Publications, Articles
Alexander, M., Zagheni, E. & Barbieri, M. 2017.  "A Flexible Bayesian Model for Estimating Subnational Mortality.  Demography (First Online October 10, 2017. Publications, Articles
Zagheni, E., Weber, I. and Gummadi, K. (2017), Leveraging Facebook's Advertising Platform to Monitor Stocks of Migrants. Population and Development Review. doi:10.1111/padr.12102 Publications, Articles
Steve Herbert, Katherine Beckett and Forrest Stuart. 2017. “Policing Social Marginality: Contrasting Approaches.” Law and Social Inquiry, February. Publications, Articles
Burt, Callie H., Man Kit Lei, & Ronald L. Simons. (2017) Racial Discrimination, Racial Socialization, and Crime over Time: A Social Schematic Theory Model. Criminology Vol 55(4): 938-979. Publications, Articles
Adrian E. Raftery, Alec Zimmer, Dargan M. W. Frierson, Richard Startz & Peiran Liu.  "Less than 2 °C warming by 2100 unlikely." Nature Climate Change (2017) doi:10.1038/nclimate3352 Publications
Ackert, Elizabeth. 2017. "Determinants of Mexican-Origin Dropout: The Roles of New Mexican Latino/a Destinations and Immigrant Generation." Population Research and Policy Review 36(3): 379-414. doi:10.1007/s11113-016-9422-0 Publications