Declare the Sociology Major

Minimum Requirements to Declare the Major 

The Sociology major is a minimum requirements major. If you meet the requirements, you can declare the major at any time. 

The requirements for the Sociology major are as follows:

  1. Completion of at least one 5 credit Sociology course with a minimum 2.0 grade
  2. Completion of SOC 300 with a minimum 2.0 grade OR enrollment in SOC 300 at the time of declaration 
  3. Minimum 2.00 cumulative UW GPA

Steps to Declare the Major 

Step 1 (Optional)

Students considering the Sociology major are strongly encouraged to make an advising appointment to discuss their interests and questions with an advisor. Our advising team is always happy to meet with prospective majors. 

Step 2 (Required)

Complete the Sociology Major Declaration Form at the link below. We will begin accepting form submissions on Monday, March 31, 2025. We expect to have change of major forms sent to the registrar weekly. Please use your UW NetID credentials when you are prompted to login. 


Step 3 (Required)

Attend a virtual Sociology New Major Orientation. This meeting is intended to give new majors an overview of major requirements, highlight upcoming courses, introduce department resources, and an opportunity to ask questions from the Sociology Student Services team.

Orientation Dates:

SPR 2025: Thursday, April 24th from 3:30-5pm

AUT 2025: Thursday, October 23rd from 3:30-5pm

WIN 2026: Thursday, January 29th from 3:30-5pm
