The NIEHS Worker Training Program (WTP) supports the training and education of workers engaged in activities related to hazardous materials and waste generation, removal, containment, transportation and emergency response. This program encourages innovation for training difficult-to-reach populations by addressing issues such as literacy, appropriate adult education techniques, and training quality improvement.
The University of Washington’s NIEHS WTP Participates in the Following Programs:
- Hazardous Waste Worker Training Program provides occupational safety and health training for workers who are or may be engaged in activities related to hazardous waste removal, containment or chemical emergency response.
- Environmental Careers Worker Training Program focuses on delivering comprehensive training to increase the number of disadvantaged and underrepresented minority workers in areas such as environmental restoration, construction, hazardous materials/waste handling, and emergency response.
- Hazmat Disaster Preparedness Training Program enhances the safety and health training for hazardous materials workers, chemical responders, first response personnel, and augments prevention and preparedness efforts in a wide variety of high risk settings.
Project Duration August 1, 2020 – May 31, 2025
Grant Numbers U45 ES006173 (HWWTP, ECWTP, HDPTP)
UW Grant PI: Kyle Crowder