People - Job Market Candidates
Graduate Student
Office Hours: By appointment
SAV M293
Comparative Historical Sociology, Culture, Organizations, Perception and Cognition, Political Economy, Program Evaluation, Public Policy, Research Methods, Social Movements, Theory
Graduate Student
Office Hours: By appointment
Comparative Sociology, Ethnic Identity, Nation State, Nationalism, Political Sociology, Race and Ethnicity, Religion, Social Movements, Sociological Theory
Graduate Student
Savery 228
Computational Methods, Demography, Homelessness, Organizations, Public Health, Religion, Social Networks
Graduate Student
Savery 272
Culture, Narratives, Perception and Cognition, Self and Identity, Social Psychology, Sociology of Emotions
Graduate Student
Office Hours: By appointment
Savery 270
Data Visualization, Environment, Health Disparities, Medical Sociology, Mental Health, Population Health, Public Scholarship, Social Construction of Health Problems, Sociology of Knowledge
PhD Candidate
Office Hours: TH, 2:30-4:30pm & by appointment
Savery 255
Graduate Student
Savery 274
Criminal Law and Punishment, Economic Sociology, Historical Sociology, Law and Society, Organizations