
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Spring, Amy, Elizabeth Ackert, Kyle Crowder, and Scott J. South. 2017 (early access on-line). "Effects of Proximity to Kin on Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Choice." Demography 1-28. Publications
Sarah Quinn. "The Miracles of Bookkeeping”: How Budget Politics Link Fiscal Policies and Financial Markets.  American Journal of Sociology. Publications
Flores, René D. 2017. "Do Anti-immigrant Laws shape Public Sentiment?: A Study of Arizona's SB 1070 using Twitter data." American Journal of Sociology.  Publications, Articles
Damon Mayrl and Sarah Quinn. "Beyond the Hidden American State: Rethinking Government Visibility." (In The Many Hands of the State: Theorizing Political Authority and Social Control (edited by Ann Orloff and Kimberly Morgan), Cambridge University Press.  Publications, Book Chapters
Katherine Beckett. 2016. “The Uses and Abuses of Police Discretion: Toward Harm Reduction Policing.” Harvard Law & Policy Review 10: 77- 100. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Heather Evans. 2016. “Race, Death and Justice: Capital Sentencing in Washington State, 1981-2014.” Columbia Journal of Race & Law 6, 2: 77-114. Publications, Articles
Hechter, Michael, Steven Pfaff and Patrick Underwood. 2016. “Grievances and the Genesis of Rebellion: AnAnalysis of Mutiny in the Royal Navy, 1740-1820”, American Sociological Review 81/1: 165-89. Publications
Perry, Cynthia, Elizabeth Ackert, Brian Saelens, James Sallis, and Karen Glanz. 2016. "Places Where Children are Active: A Longitudinal Examination of Children's Physical Activity." Preventive Medicine 93:88-95. Publications, Articles
Damon Mayrl and Sarah Quinn.  "Defining the State from Within: Boundaries, Schemas, and Associational Policymaking." Sociological Theory. 34(1): 1-26. Publications, Articles
“From GDP Per Capita to Social Protest and Lobbying: the Many Determinants of Public Policy” (submitted for publication) Publications, Articles
Foster, Thomas B. (Under Peer Review). "Rooted or Stuck? The Declining Significance of and Widening Racial Gap in the Realization of Mobility Expectations." Publications, Articles
Tomczuk, Sara J. "Contention, Consensus, and Memories of Communism: Comparing Czech and Slovak Memory Politics in Public Spaces, 1993-2012.” 2016. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 57(3): 105-126. Publications, Articles
Kornrich, Sabino, and Maureen A. Eger. 2016. “Family Life in Context: Men and Women's Perceptions of Fairness and Satisfaction Across Thirty Countries.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 23(1): 40-69. (Online first: 2014) Publications, Articles
Edwards, Frank R.. 2016. "Saving Children and Controlling Families: Punishment, Redistribution and Child Protection." American Sociological Review 81(3): 575-595. Publications, Articles
Beckett, Katherine, Anna Reosti, and Emily Knaphus. 2016. "The End of an Era? Understanding the Contradictions of Criminal Justice Reform." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 664.1: 238-259. Publications
Stovel, Katherine and Yen-Sheng Chiang. 2016. “Commitments and Contests: How Preferential Association Produces Equity.”American Behavioral Scientist.  DOI: 10.1177/0002764216643132 Publications
Harris, Alexes. (Expected, Winter 2016). A Pound of Flesh: Monetary Sanctions as a Permanent Punishment for Poor People. New York: Russell Sage. (American Sociological Association’s Rose Monograph Series). Publications, Books
Flores, René D. 2015. "Taking the Law Into their Own Hands: Do Local Anti-Immigrant Ordinances Increase Gun Sales?” Social Problems. 62, no. 3: 363-390. Publications, Articles
Flores, René D. 2015. "The Resurgence of Race in Spain: Perceptions of Discrimination Among Immigrants in Spain.” Social Forces. 94: 237-269. Publications, Articles
Ehman, Merf, and Anna Reosti. 2015. "Tenant Screening in an Era of Mass Incarceration." New York University Journal of Legislation & Public Policy Quorum: 1-109. Publications
Eger, Maureen A., and Sarah Valdez. 2015. “Neo-nationalism in Western Europe.” European Sociological Review 31(1): 115-130. (Online first 2014) Publications, Articles
Hiramori, Daiki. 2015. “Challenges of Sexual and Gender Minorities in the Workplace: Multivariate Analyses of Income and Willingness to Continue Working." Gender and Sexuality 10:91-118. In Japanese. Publications, Articles
Foster, Thomas B. and Rachel Garshick Kleit. 2015. "The Changing Relationship between Housing and Inequality, 1980-2010." Housing Policy Debate 25(1). Publications, Articles
Dobra, Adrian, Nathalie E. Williams, and Nathan Eagle. 2015. “Spatiotemporal Detection of Unusual Human Population Behavior Using Mobile Phone Data.” PLoS ONE, 10(3): e0120449. doi:10.1371/journal. Publications, Articles
Schwartz, Pepper and Martha Kempner. Fifty Great Myths about Human Sexuality. Wiley Press, 2015 Publications, Books