
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Guo, Guang, Yilan Fu, Hedwig Lee, Tianji Cai, Yi Li and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2014. “Recognizing a Small Amount of Superficial Genetic Differences Across African, European and Asian Americans Helps Understand Social Construction of Race.” Demography 51(6): 2337-2342. Publications, Articles
Wildeman, Christopher, Signe Hald Anderson, Hedwig Lee and Kristian Bernt Karlson. 2014. “Parental Incarceration and Child Mortality in Denmark." American Journal of Public Health 104(3): 428-433. Publications, Articles
Gerland, P., Raftery A.E. [co-first author], Sˇevˇc´ıkov´a, H., Li, N., Gu, D.A., Spoorenberg, T., Alkema, L., Fosdick, B.K., Chunn, J., Lalic, N., Bay, G., Buettner, T., Heilig, G.K. and Wilmoth, J. (2014). World population stabilization unlikely this century. Science 346:234–237. Publications, Articles
Pantazis, Athena and Samuel J. Clark. 2014. "ʺMale and Female Sterility in Zambia."ʺ Demographic Research, 30(14):413-28. Publications, Articles
Pais, Jeremy, Kyle Crowder, and Liam Downey. 2014. “Unequal Trajectories: Racial and Class Differences in Residential Exposure to Industrial Hazard.” Social Forces 92 (3): 1189-1215. [PMCID: PMC4273903, NIHMSID: NIHMS648410]. Publications, Articles
Sharrow, David J., Samuel J. Clark and Adrian E. Raftery. 2014. "ʺModeling Age-Specific Mortality for Countries with Generalized HIV Epidemics."ʺ PLoS One, 9.5:e96447. Publications, Articles
Clark, Samuel J. and Brian Houle. 2014. "ʺValidation, replication, and sensitivity testing of Heckman- type selection models to adjust estimates of HIV prevalence."ʺ PLoS One, 9(11):e112563 Publications, Articles
Bocquier, Phillipe, Mark A Collinson, Samuel J Clark, Kathleen Kahn and Stephen M Tollman. 2014. "ʺUbiquitous burden: quantifying the contribution of migration to AIDS and tuberculosis mortality in rural South Africa. A population-based surveillance study."ʺ African Population Studies, 28(1):691-701. Publications, Articles
Daniel Chirot and Daniel Karell. "Admittng Guilt is Neither Common nor Easy: Comparing World War II Memories in Europe and Asia,“ in Daniel Chirot, Gi‐Wook Shin, and Daniel Sneider, eds., Confronting Memories of World War II: European and Asian Legacies (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014), pp. 13-44. Publications, Articles
Collinson, Mark A., Michael J. White, Philippe Bocquier, Stephen McGarvey, Sulaimon Afolabi, Samuel J. Clark, Kathleen Kahn and Stephen M. Tollman. 2014. "ʺMigration and the Epidemiological Transition: Insights from the Agincourt sub-district of northeast South Africa."ʺ Global Health Action, 7 Publications, Articles
Houle, Brian, Samuel J. Clark, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Kathleen Kahn and Stephen M. Tollman. 2014. "ʺThe Unfolding Counter-transition in Rural South Africa: Mortality by Sex, Age, SES, Time, and Cause of Death, 1994 – 2009."ʺ PLoS One, 9(6):e100420 Publications, Articles
McParland, Damien, Isobel Claire Gormley, Samuel J. Clark, Tyler H. McCormick, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson Kabudula and Mark A. Collinson. 2014. "ʺClustering South African Households Based on their Asset Status Using Latent Variable Models."ʺ Annals of Applied Statistics, 8(2):747-76. Publications, Articles
Osman Sankoh, David Sharrow, Kobus Herbst, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson Kabudula, Nurul Alam, Shashi Kant, Henrik Ravn, Abbas Bhuiya, Le Thi Vui, Timotheus Darikwa, et al. 2014. "ʺThe INDEPTH standard population for low- and middle-income countries, 2013."ʺ Global Health Action, 7. Publications, Articles
Wollschleger, Jason and Lindsey R. Beach. 2013. "Religious Chameleons: Exploring the Social Context for Belonging without Believing." Rationality and Society 25(2):178-197. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Naomi Murakawa. 2012. “Mapping the Shadow Carceral State: Toward an Institutionally Capacious Approach to Punishment.” Theoretical Criminology 16, 2: 221-44. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett. 2012. “Race, Drugs and Law Enforcement: Toward Equitable Policing.” Criminology and Public Policy 11, 4: 641-53. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Naomi Murakawa. 2012. “Mapping the Shadow Carceral State: Toward an Institutionally Capacious Approach to Punishment.” Theoretical Criminology 16, 2: 221-44.  Publications, Articles
Wollschleger, Jason and Lindsey R. Beach. 2011. "A Cucumber for a Cow: A Theoretical Exploration of the Causes and Consequences of Religious Hypocrisy." Rationality and Society 23(2):155-174. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Alexes Harris. 2011. “On Cash and Conviction: Monetary Sanctions as Misguided Policy.”Criminology & Public Policy 10, 3: 505-37. Publications, Articles
Eger, Maureen A. 2010. “Even in Sweden: The Effect of Immigration on Support for Welfare State Spending.” European Sociological Review 26(2): 203-217.  Publications, Articles
Sarah Quinn. 2008. "The Transformation of Morals in Markets: Death, Benefits, and the Exchange of Life Insurance Policies. " American Journal of Sociology. 114(3): 738–80.               Publications, Articles
Anna Reosti, Chris Hess, Courtney Allen, and Kyle Crowder. (2024). ““Mom-and-Pop” Landlords and Regulatory Backlash: A Seattle Case Study.” Forthcoming, Socius. Publications, Articles
Rocha Beardall, Theresa, Collin Mueller, and Tony Cheng. Forthcoming. “Intersectional Burdens: How Social Location Shapes Interactions with the Administrative State.” Russell Sage Foundation. Publications, Articles
Rocha Beardall, Theresa, Rahim Kurwa, and Demar Lewis. Forthcoming. “Mended Windows, Not Broken Windows: A Du Boisian Analysis of Urban Policing.” City and Community. Publications, Articles
Rocha Beardall, Theresa. Forthcoming. “Legal Reality or Legal Mirage? Examining the Relationship Between Police Violence, Legal Consciousness, and the Promise of Civil Legal Justice.” Punishment and Society. Publications, Articles