
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Grigoryeva, Maria S., and Ross L. Matsueda. 2014. “Deterrence, Rational Choice, and Crime: Sociological Contributions." In Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, edited by G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd. New York: Springer-Verlag. Publications, Articles
Rudin, C., Ertekin, S., Passonneau, R., Radeva, A., Tomar, A., Xie, B., Lewis, S., Riddle, M., Pangsrivinij, D, and McCormick, T. H. Analytics for Power Grid Distribution Reliability in New York City. (2014) Interfaces, 44: 364-383. Publications, Articles
Uzogara, Ekeoma, Hedwig Lee, Cleopatra Abdou and James S. Jackson. 2014. “A Comparison of Skin Tone Discrimination Among African American Men: 1995 and 2003.” Psychology of Men & Masculinity 15(2): 201-212. Publications, Articles
Kreager, Derek A., and Ross L. Matsueda. 2014. “Bayesian Updating and Crime.” In Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, edited by G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd. New York: Springer-Verlaag. Publications, Articles
Charles Hirschman. 2014. “Immigration to the United States: Trends and Prospects” Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies 15(1): 69-85. Publications, Articles
Wildeman, Christopher, Natalia Emanuel, John Mishel Leventhal, Emily Putnam-Hornstein, Jane Waldfogel and Hedwig Lee. 2014.“The Prevalence of Confirmed Maltreatment among American Children, 2004-2011.” JAMA Pediatrics 168(8): 706-713. Publications, Articles
Marion Goldman and Steven Pfaff. 2014. “Reconsidering Virtuosity: Religious Innovation and Spiritual Privilege”, Sociological Theory 32/2: 128-46. Publications, Articles
Lee, Hedwig, Christopher Wildeman, Emily Wang, Niki Matusko and James S. Jackson. 2014. “A Heavy Burden? The Health Consequences of Having a Family Member Incarcerated.” American Journal of Public Health 104(3): 421-427. Publications, Articles
Guang Guo, Yilan Fu, Hedwig Lee, Tianji Cai, Kathleen Mullan Harris and Yi Li. 2014. “Genetic Bio-Ancestry and Social Construction of Racial Classification in Social Surveys in the Contemporary United States.” Demography 51(1): 141-172. Publications, Articles
Guo, Guang, Yilan Fu, Hedwig Lee, Tianji Cai, Yi Li and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2014. “Recognizing a Small Amount of Superficial Genetic Differences Across African, European and Asian Americans Helps Understand Social Construction of Race.” Demography 51(6): 2337-2342. Publications, Articles
Wildeman, Christopher, Signe Hald Anderson, Hedwig Lee and Kristian Bernt Karlson. 2014. “Parental Incarceration and Child Mortality in Denmark." American Journal of Public Health 104(3): 428-433. Publications, Articles
Gerland, P., Raftery A.E. [co-first author], Sˇevˇc´ıkov´a, H., Li, N., Gu, D.A., Spoorenberg, T., Alkema, L., Fosdick, B.K., Chunn, J., Lalic, N., Bay, G., Buettner, T., Heilig, G.K. and Wilmoth, J. (2014). World population stabilization unlikely this century. Science 346:234–237. Publications, Articles
Lee, Hedwig, Megan Andrew, Achamyeleh Gebremariam, Julie C. Lumeng and Joyce M. Lee. 2014. “Longitudinal Associations between Poverty and Obesity from the Birth through Adolescence.” American Journal of Public 104(5): e70-e76. Publications, Articles
Hicken, Margaret T., Hedwig Lee, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, James S. House and David R. Williams. 2014. “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Hypertension Prevalence: Reconsidering the Role of Chronic Stress.” American Journal of Public Health 104(1): 117-123. Publications, Articles
Erosheva, Elena A., Ross L. Matsueda, and Donatello Telesca. 2014. “Breaking Bad: Two Decades of Life Course Data Analysis in Criminology, Developmental Psychology, and Beyond.” Annual Review of Statistics and Its Applications 1:301-32. Edited by Stephen E. Fienberg. Publications, Articles
McParland, D., Gormley, I. C., McCormick, T. H., Clark, S. J., Kabudula, C. and Colli- son, M. (2014) Clustering South African households based on their asset status using latent variable models. Annals of Applied Statistics, 8: 747-776. Publications, Articles
Klima, T., M. L Skinner, K. P. Haggerty, R. D. Crutchfield, & R. F. Catalano. 2014. “Exploring heavy drinking patterns among Black and White young adults.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 75, 5. Publications, Articles
Frank, Joseph W., Emily A. Wang, Marcella Nunez-Smith, Hedwig Lee, and Megan Comfort. 2014. "Discrimination Based on Criminal Record and Healthcare Utilization Among Men Recently Released from Prison." Health & Justice 2:6. Publications, Articles
Lee, Hedwig. 2014. “The Role of Parenting in Linking Family Socioeconomic Disadvantage to Physical Activity in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.” Youth & Society 46(2): 255-285. Publications, Articles
Matsueda, Ross L. 2014. “The Natural History of Labeling Theory.” Pp. 13-44 in Advances in Criminological Theory Vol. 18: Labeling Theory: Empirical Tests. Edited by D. P. Farrington and J. Murray. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. Publications, Articles
McCormick, T. H., Ferrell, R., Karr, A., and Ryan, P. B. (2014) Knowledge Discovery in Output from Large-Scale Medical Analytics. Statistical Learning & Data Mining, 7: 404-412. Publications, Articles
Clark, Samuel J. and Brian Houle. 2014. "ʺValidation, replication, and sensitivity testing of Heckman- type selection models to adjust estimates of HIV prevalence."ʺ PLoS One, 9(11):e112563 Publications, Articles
Bocquier, Phillipe, Mark A Collinson, Samuel J Clark, Kathleen Kahn and Stephen M Tollman. 2014. "ʺUbiquitous burden: quantifying the contribution of migration to AIDS and tuberculosis mortality in rural South Africa. A population-based surveillance study."ʺ African Population Studies, 28(1):691-701. Publications, Articles
Daniel Chirot and Daniel Karell. "Admittng Guilt is Neither Common nor Easy: Comparing World War II Memories in Europe and Asia,“ in Daniel Chirot, Gi‐Wook Shin, and Daniel Sneider, eds., Confronting Memories of World War II: European and Asian Legacies (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014), pp. 13-44. Publications, Articles
Collinson, Mark A., Michael J. White, Philippe Bocquier, Stephen McGarvey, Sulaimon Afolabi, Samuel J. Clark, Kathleen Kahn and Stephen M. Tollman. 2014. "ʺMigration and the Epidemiological Transition: Insights from the Agincourt sub-district of northeast South Africa."ʺ Global Health Action, 7 Publications, Articles