
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Lacomba, C. (2023). Hispanic Map of the United States 2022. Estudios del Observatorio / Observatorio Studies, 84, pp. 1–116. Publications, Articles
Lacomba, C. (2021). Bridging city environments: A contextual approach to the mobilisation of immigrant groups. Urban Studies58(9), 1940–1956.  Publications, Articles
Lacomba, Cristina, The Educational Incorporation of DACA Recipients in Multilayered Immigration Policy Contexts. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1885357. Published online February 10, 2021. Publications, Articles
O’Brien, Michelle L., and Maureen A. Eger. 2021. “Suppression, spikes, and stigma: How COVID-19 will shape international migration and hostilities toward it.” International Migration Review 55(3): 640-659. Publications, Articles
Lacomba, Cristina (2020) Hispanics and/or Latinos in the United States: The Social Construction of an Identity. Observatorio Studies, Harvard University, November 30, 2020. Publications, Articles
Eger, Maureen A., and Sarah Valdez. 2019. “From radical right to neo-nationalist.” European Political Science 18(3): 379–399.  Publications, Articles
Ackert, Elizabeth. 2017. "Determinants of Mexican-Origin Dropout: The Roles of New Mexican Latino/a Destinations and Immigrant Generation." Population Research and Policy Review 36(3): 379-414. doi:10.1007/s11113-016-9422-0 Publications
Flores, René D. 2017. "Do Anti-immigrant Laws shape Public Sentiment?: A Study of Arizona's SB 1070 using Twitter data." American Journal of Sociology.  Publications, Articles
Flores, René D. 2015. "Taking the Law Into their Own Hands: Do Local Anti-Immigrant Ordinances Increase Gun Sales?” Social Problems. 62, no. 3: 363-390. Publications, Articles
Flores, René D. 2015. "The Resurgence of Race in Spain: Perceptions of Discrimination Among Immigrants in Spain.” Social Forces. 94: 237-269. Publications, Articles
Eger, Maureen A., and Sarah Valdez. 2015. “Neo-nationalism in Western Europe.” European Sociological Review 31(1): 115-130. (Online first 2014) Publications, Articles
Hall, Matthew and Kyle Crowder. 2015. “Native Out-Migration and Neighborhood Immigration in New Destinations.” Demography (forthcoming). Publications, Articles
Charles Hirschman. 2014. “Immigration to the United States: Trends and Prospects” Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies 15(1): 69-85. Publications, Articles
Eger, Maureen A. 2010. “Even in Sweden: The Effect of Immigration on Support for Welfare State Spending.” European Sociological Review 26(2): 203-217.  Publications, Articles
Charles Hirschman, Forthcoming. From High School to College: Why Gender, Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Generation Still Matter. NY: Russell Sage Foundation Press. Publications, Books