The Educational Incorporation of DACA Recipients in Multilayered Immigration Policy Contexts.

Lacomba, Cristina, The Educational Incorporation of DACA Recipients in Multilayered Immigration Policy Contexts. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1885357. Published online February 10, 2021.

ABSTRACT This analysis examines how multilayered policy contexts of reception shape the educational experiences in higher education of the recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA recipients fell into liminal legality between the documented and undocumented categories that exposed them to state-level interpretations of the program. Though recent scholarship debates the effects of immigration laws and policies within the national level on the lives of immigrants, we know little on how DACA recipients are faring in universities that follow state provisions. Building on this scholarship, this study shows that the development of a sense of belonging or exclusion for DACA recipients in college is contingent on the interaction of national and state laws at the local level. The analysis derives from 194 interviews with DACA students in public universities across six states in the United States. Findings show that immigration policies at the federal and state levels raise financial difficulties to the educational incorporation of these students. Furthermore, campus social environments can either help or further complicate DACA students’ experiences in college. The study demonstrates how multilayered policy contexts within a federal system can either promote or impede the inclusion and success of liminal legal students.

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