Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Stovel, Katherine and Yen-Sheng Chiang. 2016. “Commitments and Contests: How Preferential Association Produces Equity.”American Behavioral Scientist. DOI: 10.1177/0002764216643132 |
Publications |
Social Networks, Social Stratification/Inequality, Work and Occupations |
Fountain, Christine and Katherine Stovel. 2014. “Turbulent Networks: Social Capital, Employer Hiring Preferences and Labor Market Outcomes.” In Analytical Sociology: Norms, Actions and Networks. Gianluca Manzo, editor. Wiley & Sons. |
Publications |
Social Stratification/Inequality, Work and Occupations |
State B., Rodriguez M., Helbing D. and Zagheni E. 2014. Migration of Professionals to the US. Evidence from LinkedIn Data. Proceedings of SocInfo 2014. Springer’s Lecture Note Series in Computer Science, 531-543 |
Publications, Articles |
Migration, Work and Occupations, Technology, Research Methods |
Rosenfeld, Jake. 2014. What Unions No Longer Do. Harvard University Press. |
Publications, Books |
Labor, Work and Occupations, Economic Sociology |
Crutchfield, R.D. 2014. Get A Job: Labor Markets, Economic Opportunity and Crime. New York: New York University Press. |
Publications, Books |
Labor, Work and Occupations, Criminology |