
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Jabbarli, Ramin. Making and transcending boundaries: the effect of ritual on nationalism. Theory and Society (2024). Publications, Articles
O’Brien, Michelle L., and Maureen A. Eger. 2021. “Suppression, spikes, and stigma: How COVID-19 will shape international migration and hostilities toward it.” International Migration Review 55(3): 640-659. Publications, Articles
Lanfear, Charles C., Ross L. Matsueda, Lindsey R. Beach. 2020. "Broken Windows, Informal Social Control, and Crime: Assessing Causality in Empirical Studies." Annual Review of Criminology 3:91-120. Publications, Articles, Reviews
Scott Montgomery and Daniel Chirot. 2015. The Shape of the New: Four Big Ideas That Made the Modern World (Princeton: Princeton University Press). Publications, Books
Matsueda, Ross L. 2014. “Social Structure, Culture, and Crime: Assessing Kornhauser’s Challenge to Criminology.” Forthcoming in Challenging Criminological Theory: The Legacy of Ruth Kornhauser: Advances in Criminological Theory, Vol 19. Edited by F. T. Cullen, P. Wilcox, R. J. Sampson, and B. D. Dooley. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. Publications, Book Chapters
Matsueda, Ross L. 2014. “The Natural History of Labeling Theory.” Pp. 13-44 in Advances in Criminological Theory Vol. 18: Labeling Theory: Empirical Tests. Edited by D. P. Farrington and J. Murray. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. Publications, Articles
Grigoryeva, Maria S., and Ross L. Matsueda. 2014. “Deterrence, Rational Choice, and Crime: Sociological Contributions." In Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, edited by G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd. New York: Springer-Verlag. Publications, Articles
Wollschleger, Jason and Lindsey R. Beach. 2013. "Religious Chameleons: Exploring the Social Context for Belonging without Believing." Rationality and Society 25(2):178-197. Publications, Articles
Wollschleger, Jason and Lindsey R. Beach. 2011. "A Cucumber for a Cow: A Theoretical Exploration of the Causes and Consequences of Religious Hypocrisy." Rationality and Society 23(2):155-174. Publications, Articles
Shaw, L. (in press). Mechanics and dynamics of social construction: Modeling the emergence of culture from individual mental representation. Poetics. Publications