
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Katherine Beckett and Allison Goldberg. 2022. “The Impact of Imprisonment in a Time of MassIncarceration.” Crime and Justice: Prisons and Prisoner 51: 349-398, edited by Michael Tonry andSandra Bucerius (University of Chicago Press). Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Lindsey Beach. 2021. “Understanding the Place of Punishment: Disadvantage, Politics and the Geography of Imprisonment in 21st Century America.” Law & Policy 43: 5-29. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Megan Ming Francis. 2020. “The Origins of Mass Incarceration: The Racial Politics of Crime and Punishment in the Post-Civil Rights Era.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science 16: 433–52. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett. 2016. “The Uses and Abuses of Police Discretion: Toward Harm Reduction Policing.” Harvard Law & Policy Review 10: 77- 100. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Naomi Murakawa. 2012. “Mapping the Shadow Carceral State: Toward an Institutionally Capacious Approach to Punishment.” Theoretical Criminology 16, 2: 221-44. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Alexes Harris. 2011. “On Cash and Conviction: Monetary Sanctions as Misguided Policy.”Criminology & Public Policy 10, 3: 505-37. Publications, Articles
Rocha Beardall, Theresa, Rahim Kurwa, and Demar Lewis. Forthcoming. “Mended Windows, Not Broken Windows: A Du Boisian Analysis of Urban Policing.” City and Community. Publications, Articles