
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Hiramori, D., Knaphus-Soran, E., Foster, J.L., Litzler, E. (2024) Critically Quantitative: Measuring Community Cultural Wealth on Surveys. Race Ethnicity and Education. Publications, Articles
Louie, Patricia and Reed T. DeAngelis. 2023.“Fear of a Black Neighborhood: Anti-Black Racism and the Health of White Americans.” Social Forces Publications, Articles
Lee, Hannah, Kyle Crowder, and Elizabeth Korver-Glenn. 2023. “Racialized Real Estate Agency in U.S. Housing Markets: A Research Note.” Urban Affairs Review 0(0). Publications, Articles
Dunivin, Zackary Okun, Harry Yan, Jelani Ince, Fabio Rojas. 2022. "Black Lives Matter protests shift public discourse." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119.10. Publications, Articles
Ince, Jelani. 2022. "“Saved” by Interaction, Living by Race: The Diversity Demeanor in an Organizational Space." Social Psychology Quarterly. 85.3: 259-278.   Publications, Articles
Rocha Beardall, Theresa. 2022. “Settler Simultaneity and Anti-Indigenous Racism at Land-Grant Universities.”Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 8(1):197-212. Publications, Articles
Louie, Patricia and Laura Upenieks. 2022. “Vicarious Discrimination, Psychosocial Resources, and Health.” Social Psychology Quarterly. Publications, Articles
Louie, Patricia, Laura Upenieks, Christy L. Erving, and Courtney S. Thomas Tobin. 2022. “Do Racial Differences in Coping Resources Explain the Black-White Paradox in Mental Health? A Test of Multiple Mechanisms.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. Publications, Articles
Rocha Beardall, Theresa. 2021. “Sovereignty Threat: Loreal Tsingine, Policing, and the Intersectionality of Indigenous Death.” Nevada Law Journal. 21(3):1025-1060. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Lindsey Beach. 2021. “Understanding the Place of Punishment: Disadvantage, Politics and the Geography of Imprisonment in 21st Century America.” Law & Policy 43: 5-29. Publications, Articles
Louie, Patricia, Laura Upenieks, Arjumand Siddiqi, David R. Williams, and David T. Takeuchi. 2021. “Race, Flourishing, and All-Cause Mortality in the United States, 1995–2016.” American Journal of Epidemiology. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Megan Ming Francis. 2020. “The Origins of Mass Incarceration: The Racial Politics of Crime and Punishment in the Post-Civil Rights Era.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science 16: 433–52. Publications, Articles
Katherine Beckett and Marco Brydolf-Horwitz. “A Kinder, Gentler Drug War? Race, Drugs, and Punishment in 21st Century America.” Punishment and Society 22, 4: 509-33. Publications, Articles
Kennedy, Ian, Chris Hess, Amandalynne Paullada, and Sarah Chasins. 2020. "Racialized Discourse in Seattle Rental Ad Texts." Social Forces. Publications, Articles
Louie, Patricia. 2020. “Revisiting the Cost of Skin Color: Discrimination, Mastery, and Mental Health among Black Adolescents.” Society and Mental Health 10(1): 1-19. Publications, Articles
Louie, Patricia and Blair Wheaton. 2019. “The Black-White Paradox Revisited: Understanding the Role of Counterbalancing Mechanisms.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 60(2): 169-187. Publications, Articles
Leibbrand, Christine. 2019. “Unequal Opportunity? Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in the Returns to Internal U.S. Migration.” Social Currents. Publications, Articles
Stewart E. Tolnay, Woody E. Beck, Victoria Sass. “Migration and Protest in the Jim Crow South,”Social Science Research, 73:13-30 (July 2018). Publications, Articles
Bongki Woo, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, Victoria Sass, Kyle Crowder, Samantha Teixeira, David Takeuchi. “Residential Segregation and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Ambient Air Pollution.” Race and Social Problems, 11(1) 60-67 (October 2018). Publications, Articles
Louie, Patricia and Blair Wheaton. 2018. “Prevalence and Patterning of Mental Disorder Through Adolescence in Three Cohorts of Black and White Americans.” American Journal of Epidemiology 187(11): 2332-38. Publications, Articles
Leibbrand, Christine and Kyle Crowder. 2018. “The Legacy of the PSID in Understanding Patterns of Migration and Residential Mobility.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 680(1): 172-192. Publications, Articles
Lanfear, Charles C., Lindsey R. Beach, and Timothy A. Thomas. 2018. “Formal Social Control in Changing Neighborhoods: Racial Implications of Neighborhood Context on Reactive Policing.” City & Community 17(4):1075–99. Publications, Articles
Tomczuk, Sara J. 2018. “Contact in integrated church-affiliated organizations: Brokering Roma/majority relations and mediating threat to majority group position in Slovak towns.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Publications, Articles
J. Trent Alexander, Christine Leibbrand, Catherine G. Massey, and Stewart E. Tolnay. 2017. “Second-Generation Outcomes of the Great Migration.” Demography. 54(6):2249-2271. Publications, Articles
Steve Herbert, Katherine Beckett and Forrest Stuart. 2017. “Policing Social Marginality: Contrasting Approaches.” Law and Social Inquiry, February. Publications, Articles