Almquist, Z. W., I. Kahveci, A. Hazel, O. Kajfasz, J. Rothfolk, C. Guilmette, M. Anderson, L. Ozeryansky, and A. Hagopian (2024). Innovating a Community-driven Enumeration and Needs Assessment of People Experiencing Homelessness: A Network Sampling Approach for the HUD-Mandated Point-in-Time Count. American Journal of Epidemiology. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Poverty, Public Health, Public Policy, Qualitative Methods, Social Networks, Urban Community, Urban Studies |
Doré R. LaForett, Dana Thomson & Jessica Warren. 2023. Head Start’s Family Services: Promoting the Outcomes of Low-Income Children and Families, Early Education and Development, DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2023.2221768 |
Publications, Articles |
Children, Youth, and Families, Poverty |
Katherine Beckett. 2023. “Diversion and/as Decarceration.” Law and Contemporary Problems 86: 103-124. |
Publications, Articles |
Community, Criminal Law and Punishment, Deviance and Social Control, Homelessness, Incarceration, Justice, Poverty, Public Scholarship |
Spring, Amy, Elizabeth Ackert, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, and Kyle Crowder. 2023. “Keeping Kin Close? Geographies of Family Networks by Race and Income, 1981-2017" Journal of Marriage and Family |
Publications, Articles |
Community, Demography, Family, Migration, Neighborhoods, Poverty, Residential Mobility and Migration, Residential Segregation |
Collins, D., Beckett, K., & Brydolf-Horwitz, M. (2022). Pandemic Poverty Governance: Neoliberalism under Crisis. City & Community. |
Publications, Articles |
Homelessness, Poverty, Urban Studies |
Marco Brydolf-Horwitz and Katherine Beckett. 2021. “Welfare, Punishment and Social Marginality: Understanding the Connections.” Research in Political Sociology, Volume 28 (The Politics of Inequality, edited by David Pettinicchio), pp. 91-111. |
Publications, Articles |
Criminal Law and Punishment, Deviance and Social Control, Incarceration, Law and Society, Political Sociology, Poverty, Social Stratification/Inequality, Social Welfare, Welfare Reform |
Katherine Beckett and Lindsey Beach. 2021. “Understanding the Place of Punishment: Disadvantage, Politics and the Geography of Imprisonment in 21st Century America.” Law & Policy 43: 5-29. |
Publications, Articles |
Criminal Law and Punishment, Law and Society, Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, Social Justice |
Katherine Beckett and Lindsey Beach. 2021. “The Place of Punishment in 21st Century America: Understanding the Persistence of Mass Incarceration.” Law and Social Inquiry 46, 1: 1-31. |
Publications, Articles |
Criminal Law and Punishment, Incarceration, Justice, Law and Society, Poverty |
Katherine Beckett. 2016. “The Uses and Abuses of Police Discretion: Toward Harm Reduction Policing.” Harvard Law & Policy Review 10: 77- 100. |
Publications, Articles |
Deviance and Social Control, Poverty, Public Scholarship, Social Justice |
Harris, Alexes. (Expected, Winter 2016). A Pound of Flesh: Monetary Sanctions as a Permanent Punishment for Poor People. New York: Russell Sage. (American Sociological Association’s Rose Monograph Series). |
Publications, Books |
Poverty, Social Stratification/Inequality |
Foster, Thomas B. and Rachel Garshick Kleit. 2015. "The Changing Relationship between Housing and Inequality, 1980-2010." Housing Policy Debate 25(1). |
Publications, Articles |
Finance and Credit, Poverty, Social Mobility |
Collinson, Mark A., Samuel J. Clark, A.A.M. Gerritsen, Peter Byass, Kathleen Kahn and Stephen M. Tollman. 2015 In Revision to Resubmit. "ʺThe Dynamics of Poverty and Migration in a Rural South African Community, 2001-2005."ʺ Demographic Research. |
Publications, Articles |
Poverty, Africa, Migration, Demography |
Harris, Alexes. 2014. “The Cruel Poverty of Monetary Sanctions.” Chapter, Owned. Douglass Hartmann and Chris Uggen (eds). New York: WW Norton and Company. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Poverty, Law and Society, Social Stratification/Inequality |
Lee, Hedwig, Megan Andrew, Achamyeleh Gebremariam, Julie C. Lumeng and Joyce M. Lee. 2014. “Longitudinal Associations between Poverty and Obesity from the Birth through Adolescence.” American Journal of Public 104(5): e70-e76. |
Publications, Articles |
Poverty, Health, Quantitative Methods |
Rocha Beardall, Theresa, Collin Mueller, and Tony Cheng. Forthcoming. “Intersectional Burdens: How Social Location Shapes Interactions with the Administrative State.” Russell Sage Foundation. |
Publications, Articles |
Family, Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, Social Mobility, Social Stratification/Inequality |