Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Louie, Patricia, Terrence D. Hill, and Laura Upenieks. Do Early Life Stressors Moderate the Impact of Cumulative Pandemic Stress on Anger? Advances in Life Course Research. |
Publications, Articles |
Health, Medical Sociology, Mental Health, Population Health |
Louie, Patricia, Terrence D. Hill, and Laura Upenieks. Do Early Life Stressors Moderate the Impact of Cumulative Pandemic Stress on Anger? Advances in Life Course Research. |
Publications, Articles |
Health, Medical Sociology, Mental Health, Population Health |
Louie, Patricia and Reed T. DeAngelis. 2023.“Fear of a Black Neighborhood: Anti-Black Racism and the Health of White Americans.” Social Forces. |
Publications, Articles |
Health, Health Disparities, Mental Health, Population Health, Race and Ethnicity, Social Psychology |
Louie, Patricia, Cary Wu, Faraz V. Shahidi, and Arjumand Siddiqi. 2023 “Inflation Hardship,Gender, and Mental Health.” SSM Population Health. |
Publications, Articles |
Gender, Health, Health Disparities, Mental Health, Population Health |
Louie, Patricia, Laura Upenieks, and Terrence D. Hill. 2023. “Cumulative Pandemic Stressors, Psychosocial Resources, and Psychological Distress: Toward a More Comprehensive Test of a Pandemic Stress Process.” Society and Mental Health. |
Publications, Articles |
Health, Health Disparities, Mental Health, Population Health |
Louie, Patricia, Laura Upenieks, Christy L. Erving, and Courtney S. Thomas Tobin. 2022. “Do Racial Differences in Coping Resources Explain the Black-White Paradox in Mental Health? A Test of Multiple Mechanisms.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. |
Publications, Articles |
Health Disparities, Mental Health, Race and Ethnicity |
Louie, Patricia. 2020. “Revisiting the Cost of Skin Color: Discrimination, Mastery, and Mental Health among Black Adolescents.” Society and Mental Health 10(1): 1-19. |
Publications, Articles |
Mental Health, Race and Ethnicity |
Louie, Patricia and Blair Wheaton. 2019. “The Black-White Paradox Revisited: Understanding the Role of Counterbalancing Mechanisms.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 60(2): 169-187. |
Publications, Articles |
Health Disparities, Mental Health, Race and Ethnicity |
Louie, Patricia and Blair Wheaton. 2018. “Prevalence and Patterning of Mental Disorder Through Adolescence in Three Cohorts of Black and White Americans.” American Journal of Epidemiology 187(11): 2332-38. |
Publications, Articles |
Health Disparities, Mental Health, Race and Ethnicity |
Snedker, Karen A., Lindsey R. Beach, Katie E. Corcoran. 2017. "Beyond the 'Revolving Door?': Incentives and Criminal Recidivism in a Mental Health Court." Criminal Justice and Behavior 44(9):1141-1162. |
Publications, Articles |
Criminal Law and Punishment, Criminology, Mental Health, Quantitative Methods |
Victoria Sass, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, Steven M. Karceski, Anjum Hajat, Kyle Crowder, David Takeuchi. 2017 "The effects of air pollution on individual psychological distress," Health & Place, 48:72-79, |
Publications, Articles |
Environment, Mental Health, Social Demography |
Hicken, Margaret T., Hedwig Lee, Jeffrey D. Morenoff, James S. House and David R. Williams. 2014. “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Hypertension Prevalence: Reconsidering the Role of Chronic Stress.” American Journal of Public Health 104(1): 117-123. |
Publications, Articles |
Race and Ethnicity, Mental Health |
Axinn, William, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Nathalie E. Williams, and Kate M. Scott. Forthcoming. “Associations between the Social Organization of Communities and Psychiatric Disorders in Rural Asia.” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. |
Publications, Articles |
Social Psychology, Mental Health |