
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
DeCarsky, R., Harvey, P., & Johnston, S. W. (2022). Deaf Identity Salience: Tracing Daphne’s Deaf Identity Salience Through Switched at Birth. Culture & Psychology0(0). Publications, Articles
Angotti, Nicole, Brian Houle, Samuel J. Clark and F. Xavier Gomez-Olive. 2015 In Press. "ʺLet’s Talk about Sex, Maybe: Interviewers, Respondents, Sexual Behavior Reporting and Social Life in Rural South Africa."ʺ Field Methods. Publications, Articles
Zagheni E., Garimella V.R.K., Weber I. and State B. 2014. Inferring International and Internal Migration Patterns from Twitter Data. WWW Companion 2014 439-444. Publications, Articles
Cesare, Nina, Hedwig Lee, Tyler McCormick, and Ali Shojaie. “Examining Demographic Trends in Political Opinion on Twitter: The Case of Gun Control.” Publications, Articles
Arseniev-Koehler, Alina, Hedwig Lee, Tyler McCormick, and Megan Moreno. "#proana: Pro-eating disorder socialization on Twitter." Publications, Articles
McCormick, Tyler, Hedwig Lee, Nina Cesare and Ali Shojaie. "Using Twitter for Demographic and Social Science Research: Tools for Data Collection." Revise and Resubmit, Sociological Methods and Research Publications, Articles