Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Houle, Brian, Ayaga Bawah and Samuel J. Clark. 2015 Complete Draft Ready to Submit. "ʺThe Demographic and Health Transition in Low- and Middle-Income Countries is at Variance with Classical Transition Theory: Evidence from Longitudinal Surveillance Dat."ʺ PLoS One. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Health |
Azose, J.A. and Raftery, A.E. (2014). Bayesian probabilistic projection of international migration rates. In Proceedings of the Sixth Eurostat/UNECE Work Session on Demographic Projections (M. Marsili and G. Capacci, eds), Eurostat/UN/ISTAT, pp. 341–346. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Research Methods, Demography |
Raftery, A.E. (2014). Paul Deheuvels: Mentor, Advocate for Statistics, and Applied Statistician. In
Mathematical Statistics and Limit Theorems: Festschrift for Paul Deheuvels, (edited by D.M. Mason,
M. Hallin, D. Pfeifer and J. Steinebach), New York: Springer, 1–6. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Research Methods, Demography, Statistics |
Kluge F., Zagheni E., Loichinger E., and Vogt T. 2014. The Advantages of Demographic Change after the Wave: Fewer and Older, but Healthier, Greener, and more Productive? Plos One 9(9):e1085501. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography |
Fosdick, B.K. and Raftery, A.E. (2014). Regional Probabilistic Fertility Forecasting by Modeling Between-Country Correlations. Demographic Research 30:1011–1034. |
Publications, Articles |
Research Methods, Population, Demography |
Raftery, A.E., Lalic, N. and Gerland, P. (2014). Joint Probabilistic Projection of Female and Male Life Expectancy. Demographic Research 30:795–822. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Research Methods, Morbidity/Mortality |
Sˇevˇc´ıkov´a, H. and Raftery, A.E. (2014). Bayesian probabilistic population projections using R. In
Proceedings of the Sixth Eurostat/UNECE Work Session on Demographic Projections (M. Marsili and
G. Capacci, eds), Eurostat/UN/ISTAT, pp. 347–359. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Research Methods, Demography |
Guo, Guang, Yilan Fu, Hedwig Lee, Tianji Cai, Yi Li and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2014. “Recognizing a Small Amount of Superficial Genetic Differences Across African, European and Asian Americans Helps Understand Social Construction of Race.” Demography 51(6): 2337-2342. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography |
Guang Guo, Yilan Fu, Hedwig Lee, Tianji Cai, Kathleen Mullan Harris and Yi Li. 2014. “Genetic Bio-Ancestry and Social Construction of Racial Classification in Social Surveys in the Contemporary United States.” Demography 51(1): 141-172. |
Publications, Articles |
Race and Ethnicity, Socio-Biology, Demography |
Christine Leibbrand, Catherine G. Massey, J. Trent Alexander, Katie Genadek, and Stewart E. Tolnay. “The Great Migration and Residential Segregation in American Cities during the Twentieth Century” Social Science History, in press. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Historical Sociology, Migration, Residential Segregation |
Christine Leibbrand, Catherine G. Massey, J. Trent Alexander, and Stewart E. Tolnay. “Great Migration’s Great Return? An Examination of Second-Generation Return Migration to the South.” Social Science Research, in press. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Historical Sociology, Migration |
Christine Leibbrand, Catherine G. Massey, J. Trent Alexander, and Stewart E. Tolnay. “Neighborhood Attainment Outcomes for Children of the Great Migration.” American Journal of Sociology, in press. |
Publications, Articles |
Children, Youth, and Families, Demography, Migration, Neighborhoods, Social Stratification/Inequality |
Gabriel, Ryan. “A Middle Ground?: Residential Mobility and Attainment of Mixed-Race Couples.” Forthcoming at Demography. |
Publications |
Demography, Race and Ethnicity, Residential Mobility and Migration |
Zagheni E. and Wagner B. forthcoming. The Impact of Demographic Change on Intergenerational Transfers via Bequests. Demographic Research. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Family |
McCormick, Tyler, Hedwig Lee, Nina Cesare and Ali Shojaie. "Using Twitter for Demographic and Social Science Research: Tools for Data Collection." Revise and Resubmit, Sociological Methods and Research |
Publications, Articles |
Research Methods, Media Studies, Demography |
Cesare, Nina, Hedwig Lee, Tyler McCormick, and Ali Shojaie. “Examining Demographic Trends in Political Opinion on Twitter: The Case of Gun Control.” |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Public Opinion, Media Studies, Research Methods |