Anderson, Theresa Afet Dundar, Sheron Gittens, Renee Ryberg, Rebecca Schreiber, Laney Taylor, Jessica Warren, and Kate Westaby. 2024. Who Are Undergraduates with Dependent Children? An Updated Overview of Student-Parent Characteristics Using 2020 Data. n.p.: Student-Parent Action through Research Knowledge (SPARK) Collaborative. |
Publications, Reports |
Applied Sociology, Children, Youth, and Families, Demography, Education, Public Scholarship |
Almquist, Z. W., I. Kahveci, A. Hazel, O. Kajfasz, J. Rothfolk, C. Guilmette, M. Anderson, L. Ozeryansky, and A. Hagopian (2024). Innovating a Community-driven Enumeration and Needs Assessment of People Experiencing Homelessness: A Network Sampling Approach for the HUD-Mandated Point-in-Time Count. American Journal of Epidemiology. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Poverty, Public Health, Public Policy, Qualitative Methods, Social Networks, Urban Community, Urban Studies |
From Narratives to Numbers: Valid Inference Using Language Model Predictions from Verbal Autopsies. Shuxian Fan, Adam Visokay, Kentaro Hoffman, Stephen Salerno, Li Liu, Jeffrey T. Leek, Tyler McCormick. COLM 2024. |
Publications, Articles |
Computational Methods, Demography, Morbidity/Mortality, Statistics |
Almquist, Zack W., Courtney Allen, and Ihsan Kahveci. "Book Chapter in Computational Demography and Health." arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.13056 (2023). |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Big Data, Demography, Health, Quantitative Methods |
Lacomba, C. (2023). Hispanic Map of the United States 2022. Estudios del Observatorio / Observatorio Studies, 84, pp. 1–116. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Education, Ethnic Identity, Gender, Health Disparities, Immigration, Language, Migration, Political Sociology, Public Policy |
Spring, Amy, Elizabeth Ackert, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, and Kyle Crowder. 2023. “Keeping Kin Close? Geographies of Family Networks by Race and Income, 1981-2017" Journal of Marriage and Family |
Publications, Articles |
Community, Demography, Family, Migration, Neighborhoods, Poverty, Residential Mobility and Migration, Residential Segregation |
Miyake, Daijiro, and Daiki Hiramori. 2021. “Demographic Diversity of the Aromantic/Asexual Spectrum in Japan: Findings from the 2020 Aro/Ace Survey.” Journal of Population Problems 77(2):206-32. In Japanese. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, East Asian Societies, Gender, Population, Quantitative Methods, Sexuality |
O’Brien, Michelle L., and Maureen A. Eger. 2021. “Suppression, spikes, and stigma: How COVID-19 will shape international migration and hostilities toward it.” International Migration Review 55(3): 640-659. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Immigration, Migration, Nationalism, Political Sociology, Research Methods, Theory |
Hiramori, Daiki, and Saori Kamano. 2020. “Asking about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Social Surveys in Japan: Findings from the Osaka City Residents’ Survey and Related Preparatory Studies.” Journal of Population Problems 76(4):443-66. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, East Asian Societies, Gender, Population, Qualitative Methods, Quantitative Methods, Research Methods, Sexuality |
Thomas, Loring J., Peng Huang, Fan Yin, Xiaoshuang Iris Luo, Zack W. Almquist, John R. Hipp, and Carter T. Butts (2020). "Spatial Heterogeneity Can Lead to Substantial Local Variations in COVID-19 Timing and Severity." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (39) 24180–24187. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2011656117. |
Publications, Articles |
Big Data, Demography, Group Dynamics, Health, Human Ecology, Public Policy, Social Demography, Social Networks, Statistics |
Almquist, Z. W. (2020). Large-scale Spatial Network Models: An application to modeling information diffusion through the homeless population of San Francisco. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47(3), 523–540. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Homelessness, Public Health, Public Policy, Social Demography, Social Networks |
Almquist, Z. W., N. E. Helwig, and Y. You (2020). Connecting Continuum of Care Point-in-Time Homeless Counts to United States Census Areal Units. Mathematical Population Studies 27(1), 46–58. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Homelessness, Population, Population Health, Social Demography, Statistics |
Leibbrand, Christine. 2019. “Unequal Opportunity? Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in the Returns to Internal U.S. Migration.” Social Currents. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Economic Sociology, Gender, Migration, Race and Ethnicity |
J. Trent Alexander, Christine Leibbrand, Catherine G. Massey, and Stewart E. Tolnay. 2017. “Second-Generation Outcomes of the Great Migration.” Demography. 54(6):2249-2271. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Migration, Race and Ethnicity |
Alexander, M., Zagheni, E. & Barbieri, M. 2017. "A Flexible Bayesian Model for Estimating Subnational Mortality. Demography (First Online October 10, 2017. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Mathematical Demography, Morbidity/Mortality, Statistics |
Zagheni, E., Weber, I. and Gummadi, K. (2017), Leveraging Facebook's Advertising Platform to Monitor Stocks of Migrants. Population and Development Review. doi:10.1111/padr.12102 |
Publications, Articles |
Data Driven Discovery, Demography, Migration |
Spring, Amy, Elizabeth Ackert, Kyle Crowder, and Scott J. South. 2017 (early access on-line). "Effects of Proximity to Kin on Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Choice." Demography 1-28. |
Publications |
Demography, Family, Residential Mobility and Migration |
Foster, Thomas B. (Under Peer Review). "Rooted or Stuck? The Declining Significance of and Widening Racial Gap in the Realization of Mobility Expectations." |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Migration, Residential Mobility and Migration, Social Change |
Zagheni E. and Weber I. 2015. Demographic Research with Non-Representative Internet Data. International Journal of Manpower 36(1):13-25. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Research Methods |
Zagheni E. 2015. “Microsimulation in Demographic Research.” In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 15. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 343-346.B138 |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Demography, Research Methods |
Clark, Samuel J. and David J. Sharrow. 2015 In Revision to Resubmit. "ʺTemporal Model Life Tables."ʺ Demographic Research. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography |
Collinson, Mark A., Samuel J. Clark, A.A.M. Gerritsen, Peter Byass, Kathleen Kahn and Stephen M. Tollman. 2015 In Revision to Resubmit. "ʺThe Dynamics of Poverty and Migration in a Rural South African Community, 2001-2005."ʺ Demographic Research. |
Publications, Articles |
Poverty, Africa, Migration, Demography |
Clark, Samuel J. 2015 In Preparation. "ʺA Singular Value Decomposition-based Factorization and Parsimonious Component Model of Demographic Quantities Correlated by Age Predicting Complete Demographic Age Schedules with Few Parameters."ʺ [Working Paper: arXiv:1504.02057v1]. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography |
Clark, Samuel J., David J. Sharrow and INDEPTH Network. 2015 Complete Draft Ready to Submit. "ʺINDEPTH Model Life Tables: 2013."ʺ Demographic Research. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography |
Houle, Brian, Ayaga Bawah and Samuel J. Clark. 2015 Complete Draft Ready to Submit. "ʺThe Demographic and Health Transition in Low- and Middle-Income Countries is at Variance with Classical Transition Theory: Evidence from Longitudinal Surveillance Dat."ʺ PLoS One. |
Publications, Articles |
Demography, Health |