Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Pfaff, Steven and Michael Hechter. 2020. The Genesis of Rebellion: Governance, Grievance and Mutiny in the Age of Sail. Cambridge University Press. |
Publications, Books |
Comparative Historical Sociology, Comparative Politics, Comparative Sociology, Political Sociology |
Wurpts, Bernd, Katie E. Corcoran, and Steven Pfaff. 2018. “The Diffusion of Protestantism in Northern Europe: Historical Embeddedness and Complex Contagions in the Adoption of the Reformation.” Social Science History 42(2):213-244. |
Publications, Articles |
Comparative Historical Sociology, Economic Sociology, Historical Sociology, Organizations, Quantitative Methods, Religion, Social Change, Social Networks |
Sarah Quinn. "The Miracles of Bookkeeping”: How Budget Politics Link Fiscal Policies and Financial Markets. American Journal of Sociology. |
Publications |
Comparative Historical Sociology, Economic Sociology, Finance and Credit, Political Economy, Political Sociology |
Hechter, Michael, Steven Pfaff and Patrick Underwood. 2016. “Grievances and the Genesis of Rebellion: AnAnalysis of Mutiny in the Royal Navy, 1740-1820”, American Sociological Review 81/1: 165-89. |
Publications |
Collective Action, Comparative Historical Sociology, Deviance and Social Control, Social Movements, Sociological Theory |
Damon Mayrl and Sarah Quinn. "Defining the State from Within: Boundaries, Schemas, and Associational Policymaking." Sociological Theory. 34(1): 1-26. |
Publications, Articles |
Comparative Historical Sociology, Culture, Organizations, Political Sociology |
Tomczuk, Sara J. "Contention, Consensus, and Memories of Communism: Comparing Czech and Slovak Memory Politics in Public Spaces, 1993-2012.” 2016. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 57(3): 105-126. |
Publications, Articles |
Comparative Historical Sociology, Comparative Sociology, Culture, East European, Political Sociology, Qualitative Methods |
Rocha Beardall, Theresa, Rahim Kurwa, and Demar Lewis. Forthcoming. “Mended Windows, Not Broken Windows: A Du Boisian Analysis of Urban Policing.” City and Community. |
Publications, Articles |
Community, Comparative Historical Sociology, Criminology, Historical Sociology, Race and Ethnicity, Social Justice |