News Archive

Image Title Published
Pepper Schwartz
Professor Schwartz Receives Book Award
Congratulations to Dr. Kelly Kistner
Erin Power's Defends Dissertation
Presenting the Newly Minted Dr. Leupp
Grigoryeva Receives Dissertation Award
Congratulations, Dr. Koski-Karell
Martinez Accepts Research Position
NSF Dissertation Award for Fernandes
Kistner Wins Hacker-Mullins Prize
Alexes Harris in the LA Times and on NPR
Heather Evans selected as Hanauer Graduate Fellow for 2014-15
Blaine Robbins
Robbins Data Science Post-doc
Soc Honors Student Spearheads Alexie Book Drive
Sociology Colleagues Making News
Tomczuk Awarded IREX Fellowship
Sociologist Curran Co-Director on $1.5 Million USAID Grant
Chandra Childers Defends Dissertation
Ryan Gabriel Receives ASA Fellowship
Pepper Schwartz receives Faculty Award from UW Greek Community
Decline of Unions Interview with Jake Rosenfeld
Brines and Schwartz appear in NYTimes Sunday Magazine
Solee Shin accepts post-doctoral position in Sweden
Katrina Leupp takes Asst. Prof. position at WSU
Professor Rosenfeld comments on Boeing and Machinists Union for NPR
Spring Accepts Assistant Professor Position