UW sociologists Katherine Beckett and Hedy Lee co-chair the Northwest chapter of the Scholars Strategy Network (SSN) and have put together a panel addressing mass incarceration for Tuesday February 9th at 7PM (Kane Hall 120). The panel features Alison Holcomb, Director of the ACLU Campaign for Smart Justice and Marc A. Levin, Policy Director for the Right on Crime and Director of the Center for Effective Justice. The evening discussion is the anchor event of a day long teach-in on mass incarceration sponsored by the UW Health Sciences Schools. (See this link to the teach-in event that is part of the UW Health Sciences Schools Common Book Series https://www.facebook.com/uwhscommonbook and this link to the Northwest chapter of the SSN http://www.scholarsstrategynetwork.org/regional-network/northwest )
SSN is a nationwide collection of progressive-minded university-based scholars – mostly social scientists – who want to reach out with their research and ideas to policymakers, citizens' groups, journalists at the national and state levels.