The Sociology Department will continue our research partnership in Rainer Beach in collaboration with A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth Initative (
Our Sociology 403 Research Practicum will be once again partnering with the Rainier Beach Action Coalition on a community based research project ( RBAC is an alliance of Rainier Beach residents, community organizations, businesses, agencies and institutions, with the intent to improve the status and quality of life of Rainier Beach. RBAC is a key organizing partner with A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. RBAC focus areas include youth, families & young adults, education & training, economic development, public safety and transportation, and the environment.
The proposed winter quarter project for Soc 403---
Community building initiatives, such as A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth, strive to involve residents as core drivers of the change process towards a safer neighborhood where youth can thrive. However, developing levels of resident involvement in a diverse community has many challenges. The winter quarter project will focus on questions of how to build more connections in the neighborhood. Questions to address may include: How can current active interventions improve to provide a comprehensive approach to neighborhood problems? Are current interventions developing a collective sense of neighborhood identity? How is the level of collective efficacy in the neighborhood related to residents' involvement in their neighborhood?