Every spring quarter, the sociology department conducts an annual review of all graduate students. This is an opportunity for each graduate student to reflect on and get feedback on their work. This is what the process looks like:
1) Students complete an Activity Report and submit an updated CV and unofficial transcript
2) Faculty advisors review student materials and complete an assessment for all students they advise or regularly interact with. The assessment includes information about:
- degree progress
- notable accomplishments/milestones
- plans and goals for upcoming year
- work quality
- areas for improvement
- advice
3) The Graduate Program Committee meets to discuss three groups of students: those who are excelling, those who are making satisfactory progress, and students who are not making satisfactory progress. The primary focus of the meeting is to make plans to support students who have fallen behind.
4) After the GPC meeting, students receive a progress letter about their standing in the department. This letter mentions their accomplishments, their upcoming milestones, and advice from faculty.
5) The Graduate Program Coordinator will contact students who have fallen behind to schedule a meeting to discuss ways the department can help in returning the student to good standing.