Travel and Research Support


Presenting at professional conferences is an important component of graduate training, and we want to support you. The two main sources of travel funding are described below.

The Graduate School

Students in good academic standing who will present their own research at a significant professional conference can apply for travel funds through the Graduate School Fund for Excellence and Innovation. Students are eligible for travel awards once per twenty-four month period. A $300 request for support is submitted on your behalf by the GPA, and you will also be considered for a $200 departmental top-off award. To be considered for the award, complete the Travel Request Form.

Graduate and Professional Student Senate 

You can learn at the GPSS travel site



The Department of has endowed funds and other sources to support graduate student research. We encourage students at all stages of the program to apply. Applications are due on the 3rd Monday of Autumn and Spring quarters on the Research Award page
