Graduated Autumn 2017 with Ph.D. Contact Information Fields of Interest Communication Media Studies Political Sociology Social Movements Biography Ph.D., Sociology, University of Washington, 2017 M.A., Sociology, University of Washington, 2013 Research Selected Research Cesare, Nina. 2017. "United We Tweet?: A Quantitative Analysis of Racial Differences in Twitter Use." Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Sociology, University of Washington.Adviser: Katherine Stovel, Adviser: Emma Spiro, Adviser: Hedwig (Hedy) Lee, Adviser: Tyler McCormick Cesare, Nina, Hedwig Lee, Tyler McCormick, and Ali Shojaie. “Examining Demographic Trends in Political Opinion on Twitter: The Case of Gun Control.” McCormick, Tyler, Hedwig Lee, Nina Cesare and Ali Shojaie. "Using Twitter for Demographic and Social Science Research: Tools for Data Collection." Revise and Resubmit, Sociological Methods and Research Affiliations Home Department Sociology Related News Related News NPR highlights Nina Cesare's research on how people discuss miscarriages on Twitter (August 28, 2017) Nina Cesare's and Jennifer Branstad's work using Twitter to study mourning appears in the news. (August 26, 2016) UW Graduate Students at PAA's in San Diego (May 7, 2015) Graduate Students Present at PAA (April 11, 2013)