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Jonathan is a graduate student at the University of Washington completing a Ph.D. in Sociology and MPH in Epidemiology with a focus on Global Health. His research interests center on child and maternal health in the global south where he investigates the impact of armed conflict, trauma, and spatial inequality on child mortality and stunting. He has over 14 years of international related work experience, primarily working with the peoples of Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. As an avid linguist, he is fluent in Thai, conversant in Laotian, and currently studying Bahasa Indonesian and Khmer. Working with his dissertation advisor, Sam Clark, Jonathan is expanding his research interests to include child and maternal mortality in Africa. As a consulting scientist working with the Strategic Analysis, Research and Training Program at the University of Washington, Jonathan has worked on projects that have informed the work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C. Prior experience also includes working with a US based NGO that specialized in the resettlement of refugees and victims of human trafficking.