SOC 420 A: Sociology of Food

Winter 2022
MW 12:30pm - 2:20pm / BLD 286
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Welcome to the built-in Syllabus section in Canvas. You may have already noticed that in this template, we've chosen to use a page we titled"Syllabus" to contain our syllabus information. We made this decision because we wanted to be able to have the syllabus as part of a Module, and this built-in section can't be added to Modules.

You have the options of using this section for your syllabus, but we'd still suggest you use the structure we provide on our "Syllabus" page , which you can simply edit, copy, and paste.

You can also use this Syllabus section to publicize your Individual Course Description in MyPlan. Once you've chosen the necessary settings, students browsing MyPlan can see everything you've posted in this section. You may not want to share your entire syllabus, but instead can post a description of the course and anything else you think is important for an incoming student to be aware of.

Catalog Description:
Provides a historical and comparative overview of what people eat and how this relates to other types of social differentiation. Course overlaps with: T AMST 350.
GE Requirements Met:
Social Sciences (SSc)
Writing (W)
Last updated:
March 3, 2025 - 2:32 am