Patricia Louie (she/her)

Assistant Professor
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Ph.D., Sociology, University of Toronto, 2020
M.A., Sociology, University of Toronto, 2015
B.A., Sociology, University of British Columbia, 2013
Curriculum Vitae (278.04 KB)

Research Overview: My research focuses on the role that social factors play in driving racial disparities in physical and mental health. In one stream of research, I focus on the role of stress and coping resources in explaining Black-White differences in mental health. In a second stream of research, I complicate how race is used as a variable in health disparities research by considering how different specifications of race (such as skin tone or disaggregated multiracial status) can influence how we understand race-health relationships. 

Teaching: My teaching efforts have mainly focused on the social determinants of health, mental health, research methods, and statistics. At the University of Washington, I expect to teach graduate courses on the social determinants of health and undergraduate courses in health, race/ethnicity, and research methods.

Biography: I received my BA in Sociology from the University of British Columbia in 2013 and my PhD from the University of Toronto in 2020.


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