Application Materials

Application Questionnaire: Instead of a statement of purpose, we ask applicants to answer questions about their academic and professional goals, and how their experiences have prepared them for graduate study in sociology.  Here are the questions for the Fall 2025 application cycle (each is limited to 3,000 characters):

  • Describe your professional goals and how you envision studies at the University of Washington aiding in your progress toward those goals.
  • What are your most important academic and/or professional qualities, and what do you hope to improve upon in your graduate studies?
  • Describe any past or current involvement in research. What motivated this research, what was your role, and what did you learn in the process?
  • Provide descriptions of two or more situations or activities in which you demonstrated persistence and/or the ability to overcome adversity.
  • Provide a brief description of a situation or activity in which you demonstrated leadership and/or commitment to your community. This may include, but is not limited to, ways in which you have contributed to diversity, equity, and/or inclusion in your community, school, or workplace.
  • Is there anything else you would like us to know?
  • Do you have any additional funding (scholarships, fellowships, grants, etc.)?

Curriculum Vitae or Resume

Letters of Recommendation: We require 3 - 5 letters of recommendation.

Writing Sample: Submit a 5 -15 page paper (double-spaced) that demonstrates your ability to clearly analyze and write about a social scientific topic. This can be an excerpt from a larger paper. The 15-page limit does not include title pages and references.

Unofficial Transcripts:  Submit unofficial transcripts from all previous institutions of higher learning (colleges and universities).

GRE scores:  At this time, we do not require a submission of a GRE score. This is subject to change. Please contact Tess McShane at with any specific questions.

Non-Native English Speakers: The Sociology Department follows the guidance of the UW Graduate School regarding the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Requirement and the appointment of non-native English-speaking Teaching Assistants (TAs). Please refer to Policy 3.2: Graduate School English Language Proficiency Requirements for more information
