Remote Teaching

Official UW Information

Questions to Keep in Mind

  • What are your key learning goals/aims for your students?  What do you want them to get out of their experience in your class?  How will this change in the shift to remote teaching?
  • Will you organize your content for synchronous or asynchronous contact, or a blend?
  • How do you want to keep students engaged and learning?
  • How will you communicate regularly with your students?
  • If you have a TA, how will you work together to make the class successful?  This could involve a new division of labor, but remember TAs work a MAXIMUM of 20 hours per week.
  • How will you maximize access (disabled students, limited or uneven hardware and internet access) and protect student privacy (FERPA restrictions still apply)?
  • How will you evaluate student performance?  What grading scale will you use?
  • What kinds of technology are you already familiar with?  Do you have the hardware and software you need?
  • What aspects of this shift are you most concerned about?
  • What kinds of support do you need now?  What kinds of support do you anticipate needing in the coming weeks and months?
  • What do you want to talk to others about?

Within the department, we have asked Randall Perez ( to be the point person on technological resources for teaching.  Teaching specialists at Odegaard are hosting online office hours and tutorials; and the Faculty associated with the ISS program (online social science degree completion program) have put together the following set of tips from the trenches of online teaching with Canvas.

And, many of you have no doubt seen Rebecca Barrett-Fox’s essay, “Please do a bad job of putting your courses online” which is snarky but also very useful (though some of her comments are predicated on shifting to online teaching mid-semester…)

General Resources for Going Online

Sociology Specific Resources

Sociologists Helping Sociologists:  Inventory of Recorded Lectures


More on Using Technology when Teaching Remotely

Contacting all enrolled students in your courses

  • Creating email lists for your classes from myUW
  • Using announcements in Canvas
  • Having student record responses with Flipgrid

Books and Course Materials

For any questions regarding desk copies or book ordering, contact Katy Bachman of the advising office. She is available at ( for all student-related matters) and 206-543-5396. 
