(see also Health Insurance below)
Information on various benefits programs and options (including health insurance) are available from the Benefits Office. Please contact them directly at 3-2800 with questions. Information can also be found at
Faculty may also refer to Academic Human Resources (formerly Academic Personnel).
For questions or problems with your email or UWNetID please contact Computing and Communications at 3-5970 or send email to
Faculty Leaves
Professional Leave with salary
Leave of absence applications are due in October (first round) and February (second round). To apply for leave with salary, the following information is required:
1. Application for Leave of Absence form (available from the Business Office);
2. one original and 1 copy of a detailed statement describing the scholarly work to be undertaken during the leave period, including the nature and focus; purpose or objectives, site, collaborators, and cooperating institutions (as relevant); the source and amount of any grants or salary known or likely to be available; the product anticipated; the value or significance of the product anticipated; and the benefits to the University of the proposed leave;
3. one copy of an updated bibliography or CV; and
4. one original and 1 copy of any supporting letters (supporting letters are optional).
The Department chair must review the applications and prepare a letter of recommendation to be forwarded with the application to the College.
Leave without Salary
If you are applying for leave without salary only the leave application form is required.
Health Insurance
Insurance is a personal matter. Please check with the appropriate office for information on your coverage.
When do we get paid?
Pay periods end the 15 of the month and the last day of the month.
You get paid on the 10th and the 25th of each month. If the 10th or 25th falls on a Saturday, payday is the preceding Friday; if the 10th or 25th falls on a Sunday, payday is the following Monday. "Real" checks must be signed for at the front desk. Deposit advices for those who choose to get a paper advice will be distributed to mailboxes.
If you have a nine-month appointment
Autumn Quarter starts September 16 and ends December 15.
The first paycheck is October 10, the last paycheck is December 25th (following the payday rule above).
Winter Quarter starts December 16 and ends March 15.
The first paycheck is January 10, the last check is March 25.
Spring Quarter starts March 16 and ends June 15.
The first paycheck is on April 10; the last is on June 25.
Graduate Students
The Graduate Program Assistant is providing quarterly updates on Graduate Student status to the main office. The updates include completion of master's degree and acceptance into the PhD program when students are officially candidates. Applicable pay raises and status changes are entered in the payroll system and monthly increases are processed to begin the quarter following the change in status.
Hourly Employees
You must turn in a time sheet to be paid if you are doing hourly or student hourly work. Please turn in your time sheets, signed by your supervisor, no later than 5 pm on the last day of the pay period. You may also download or print an hourly time sheet.
The Department has limited funds for the hiring of readers or graders. Please contact Wendy Star if you have an interest or need to hire readers.
University ID/U-Pass
The University sets policies governing the University ID/UPASS. If you lose your card please call 3-5630.
Note: the University will begin replacing ID cards in Fall 2007.
Please alert the office staff when you will be off campus for an extended length of time. Please also set a vacation message on your email. This can be done by going to the email section of MyUW (, selecting "Vacation Service," and entering the appropriate start/end date and any message you want people to receive about your absence.
Please post updated curriculum vitae online. If someone requests a copy of a vita from the Office he or she will be directed to look online.
You can access and update your Department Profile Page by logging in (see link in header, bottom right above navigation).