Graduate Student Contact Information Research Selected Research Collins, D., Beckett, K., & Brydolf-Horwitz, M. (2022). Pandemic Poverty Governance: Neoliberalism under Crisis. City & Community. Marco Brydolf-Horwitz and Katherine Beckett. 2021. “Welfare, Punishment and Social Marginality: Understanding the Connections.” Research in Political Sociology, Volume 28 (The Politics of Inequality, edited by David Pettinicchio), pp. 91-111. Katherine Beckett and Marco Brydolf-Horwitz. “A Kinder, Gentler Drug War? Race, Drugs, and Punishment in 21st Century America.” Punishment and Society 22, 4: 509-33. Courses Taught Autumn 2023SOC 215 A: Introduction to Urban Sociology Summer 2023SOC 415 A: The City and Neighborhood Dynamics Affiliations Home Department Sociology Related News Related News Marco Brydolf-Horwitz is studying how people living unsheltered in downtown Seattle find housing (February 18, 2025) Marco Brydolf-Horwitz wins the ASA Crime, Law, and Deviance section's Distinguished Student Paper Award (July 11, 2019)