Professor Emeritus Contact Information Savery 232 Fields of Interest Demography Quantitative Methods Sociology of Higher Education Sociology of Science Biography Curriculum Vitae (53.01 KB) Research Selected Research Divorce Probabilities for First Marriages in the United States by Duration of Marriage, 1973 - 2013 The Influence of the "Lake Woebegon Effect" on U.S. Sociology Graduate Program Ratings Divorce Probabilities of First and Second Marriages by Duration of Marriage, for Women in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Research Advised Liddle, Stephanie K. 2015. "Roach Motel: Research, Policy, and Structural Inequalities of the No Child Left Behind Act in California Public Schools." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Lind, Jonathan Adam. 2015. "Employment Relations in Transition: An Examination of Workers’ Self-Assessments of Job Quality, 1970-2006." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Eichenlaub, Suzanne C. 2015. "Education and Health: Exploring Variation in the Gradient by Racial/Ethnic Groups in the United States." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Childers, Chandra. 2014. "Coming Together? Trends in Black-White Occupational Segregation, 1980 to 2009." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Loveless-Morris, Judy. 2013. "Black-White Wealth Accumulation: Does Veteran Status Matter?" PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Voloshin, Irina. 2012. "Sink or Swim in the Labor Pool: Determinants and Consequences of Teenage Employment." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. De Burgomaster, Scott G. 2012. "Moving On Up? Access, Persistence, and Outcomes of Immigrant and Native Youth in Postsecondary Education." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Maroto, Michelle Lee. 2012. "The Scarring Effects of Bankruptcy: Cumulative Disadvantage across Credit and Labor Markets." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Magarati, Ratna M. 2010. "Bilingualism and Educational Expectations, College Access and Success of Youth from Immigrant Families: A Test of Segmented Assimilation Theory." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Warnock, Deborah M. 2010. "When Does Money Matter? Parents' Perceptions of Paying for College and Students' Expectations, Preparedness and Enrollment." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Eger, Maureen A. 2010. "Ethnic Heterogeneity and the Limits of Altruism." PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Affiliations Home Department Sociology