Submitted by Anonymous
- 1-4pm Walker-Ames Room
- Kane Hall, University of Washington
4:30: Governors Room, Hotel Deca (4507 Brooklyn Ave NE)
Please join us or a hosted reception, where our tributes to Stew will continue
Limited van transportation available to the reception
Symposium Program
1:00 Welcome
Pete Guest, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology, University of Washington
1:20 Tolnay's Impact on Historical Demography
Keynote: Steve Ruggles, University of Minnesota
Student Reflections
Robert Adelman, University of Buffalo
Katherine Curtis, University of Wisconsin
2:20 Break
2:40 Tolnay's Transformation of the Study of Racial Violence
Keynote: David Jacobs, Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University
Student Reflections
Amy Kate Bailey, University of Illinois-Chicago
Ryan Gabriel, Brigham Young University
3:40: Concluding Remarks