Sociology was well represented at the recent April 2016 Population Association of America Annual Meetings in Washington DC. Eighteen graduate students participated in 27 different activities. These included helping present in a pre-conference workshop, acting as discussants, presenting posters, and either being presenters or being part of papers presented in various sessions. Truly a good showing for the Department and fine work by the students!
Below are the names of the graduate students (alphabetical listing) and their role and title of their work.
Graduate Student PAA 2016 Participation: name (role) title
Lindsey Beach (paper presentation) “Neighborhood Change & Formal Social Control: Enforcing Racial Social Control through Calls to the Police in Stable & Changing Neighborhoods.” (with Charles Lanfear and Tim Thomas)
Angela Bruns (poster session) "Stability and Change: Income Packaging Among Partners of Incarcerated Men."
Angela Bruns (session chair) “Methodological Challenges in Fertility and Reproductive Health Research.”
Erin Carll (paper presentation) “Divergent Trends and Increasing Rootedness: Declining Local Mobility Among Renters from 1970 to 2011.” (with Kyle Crowder and Brad Foster)
Nina Cesare (paper presentation) "Examining the Relationship Between Citizens and Police via Twitter" in a session titled "Race/Ethnicity and Place/Community."
Nina Cesare (workshop presenter) PAA Workshop “Social Media and Demographic Methods” for IUSSP (with Emilio Zagheni, Charles Lanfear, Kivan Polimis, and Joan Ryan)
Michael Esposito (paper presentation) "Racial Heterogeneity in the Causal Process Linking Education to Health."
Brad Foster (paper presentation) "Converting Rates, Divergent Trajectories? Race- and Gender-Based Stratification in Renters' Residential Mobility from 1970 to 2011" (with Kyle Crowder and Erin Carll)
Brad Foster (poster session) "Rooted or Stuck? Disaggregating Four Decades of Migration and Mobility Decline in the U.S."
Brad Foster (poster session) "Dominance of the Economic Motive? Evaluating Non-Economic Theories of Domestic Migration in the U.S."
Ryan Gabriel (paper presentation) “Neighborhood Foreclosures and Residential Mobility.” (with Kyle Crowder, Matthew Hall, and Amy Spring.)
Christina Hughes (paper presentation) "A Migration Systems Approach to Understanding Migrant Social Capital." (with Nathalie Williams, Prem Bhandari, Arland Thornton, Linda Young-Demarco, Cathy Sun, and Jeffrey Swindle).
Charles Lanfear (paper presentation) “Neighborhood Change & Formal Social Control: Enforcing Racial Social Control through Calls to the Police in Stable & Changing Neighborhoods.” (with Tim Thomas and Lindsey Beach)
Charles Lanfear (workshop presenter) PAA Workshop “Social Media and Demographic Methods” for IUSSP (with Emilio Zagheni, Nina Cesare, Kivan Polimis, and Joan Ryan)
Kerry MacQuarrie (discussant) session on “Gender, Power, Sexual Health, and Family Planning.”
Kerry MacQuarrie (paper presentation) “Decision-making Context of Early Childbearing and Contraception among Young, Married Women in Bangladesh.” (with Nahar, Khan, and Sultana)
Kerry MacQuarrie (poster session) “The Influence of Delayed Marriage and Timing of First Sex on Delaying the First Birth in Asia.”
Kerry MacQuarrie (poster session) “The Men Are Away: How Women in Bangladesh with a Migrant Husband Manage Fertility Intentions and Contraception.” (with Khan, Nahar, and Sultana)
Kerry MacQuarrie (poster session) ” Men and Contraception.” (with Edmeades, Steinhaus, and Head)
Marie Neumann (poster session) “Evaluating the Sex Ratio Hypothesis: County-Level Sex Ratios and Nonmarital Fertility for African Americans.”
Michelle O’Brien (discussant) session on "Demography and Politics, Conflict and Institutions.”
Athena Pantazis (discussant) session on “Methodological Challenges in Fertility and Reproductive Health Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.”
Athena Pantazis (paper presentation) “Social Patterns and Differentials in the Fertility Transition Based on Population Surveillance: Rural South Africa, 1993-2013.” (with Brian Houle, Chodziwadziwa Kabudula, Stephen Tollman, and Sam Clark).
Kivan Polimis (workshop presenter) PAA Workshop “Social Media and Demographic Methods” for IUSSP (with Emilio Zagheni, Nina Cesare, Charles Lanfear, and Joan Ryan)
Joan Ryan (paper presentation) “The Impact of Demographic Change on Transfers in the Form of Care and the Associated Well-being.”
Joan Ryan (workshop presenter) PAA Workshop “Social Media and Demographic Methods” for IUSSP (with Emilio Zagheni, Nina Cesare, Charles Lanfear, and Kivan Polimis)
Victoria Sass (poster session---won best poster in session!) "Patterns of Racial-Ethnic Inequality in Neighborhood Air Pollution Exposure: A Multilevel, Repeated Measurements Analysis." (with Kyle Crowder and Amy Spring)
Tim Thomas (paper presentation), “Neighborhood Change & Formal Social Control: Enforcing Racial Social Control through Calls to the Police in Stable & Changing Neighborhoods.” (with Charles Lanfear and Lindsey Beach)
Tim Thomas (paper presentation) "Segregation in Place: Selective Entry, Natural Increase, and Long-Term Racial Change.” (with Michael Bader)
Anne Tseng (poster session) "Immigration Admission Categories and the Employment Outcomes of New Immigrants."