Faculty Travel
- Faculty Travel Subsidy Policy
- Exceptions to the Established Lodging Allowance
- Individual Corporate Travel Cards
- Spouse/Family Member/Guest Travel Documentation
- When you travel & a family member or guest accompanies you and there is NOT a bona fide business reason for the person to make the trip, we generally only pay for the portion of the UW member's travel. If, for some reason, the travel for the guest is also paid, it must be on a discretionary budget AND the amount paid for the guest will be added to your taxable income.
- When there is a boa fide reason for a family member or guest to travel with you, there is a form that must be completed. This form is available at http://www.washington.edu/admin/finserv/travel/forms/spousaltravel.pdf.
- When combining a personal trip with a business trip we must be able to clearly identify the cost of the business portions of the trip if you are being reimbursed for the travel. This can be done by:
- Purchasing your airfare for your personal trip separately from the UW business trip. This is the easiest for everyone!
- Submitting the passenger airfare receipt coupon that shows the cost breakdown of each segment of the trip. You can be reimbursed for the UW business portion (plus taxes) * 2 OR the actual cost of your ticket, whichever is less.
- Requesting an itinerary statement from a state contract travel agency showing the fare calculation breakdown (the price of each segment of the trip). You can be reimbursed for the UW business portion (plus taxes) * 2 OR the actual cost of your ticket, whichever is less.
- If there were other UW travelers who traveled on the same trip and did not have a personal portion, you can obtain a copy of the lowest available coach fare from the other travelers. You'll need to submit a copy of the lowest available coach fare and your actual ticket that included the personal portion. You may be reimbursed the actual cost of the lowest available coach fare that did not have a personal portion or the actual cost of your ticket, whichever is less.
- Use a state contract travel agency and obtain a printout of an itinerary with the UW business flights you would have taken without the personal trip. This comparison itinerary must be printed before the trip and priced at the lowest available coach fare. It must be printed from the same source and with the same date that the actual ticket with the personal trip was issued. You will need to submit the comparison itinerary and your actual ticket that included the personal portion. You may be reimbursed the value of the comparison itinerary OR the actual cost of your ticket, whichever is less.
- If you are using an internet provider, you must printout an itinerary with the UW business flights you would have taken without the personal trip. This comparison itinerary must be printed before the trip and priced at the lowest available coach fare. It must be printed from the same source and with the same date that the actual ticket with the personal trip was issued. You will need to submit the comparison itinerary and your actual ticket that included the personal portion. You may be reimbursed the value of the comparison itinerary OR the actual cost of your ticket, whichever is less.
- If all else fails, the UW Travel Office will use Boersma (the state contract internet provider) to identify the lowest available coach airfare for the UW business portion. Since past airfares are not available, the Travel Office will, to the best of their ability recreate the actual itinerary less the personal portion of the trip using the same paramaters (same advance purchase time, same day/time for the going and return flights) that existed for the actual trip.
Travel Forms
- Customs Letter Request Form
- Faculty Travel Subsidy Request Form
- Individual UW Travel Card Application
- Per Diem Advance Request
- Per Diem Advance Requirements
- TEV--Single Budget
- TEV--Split Budget
- Travel Approval
- UW Travel Site: http://www.washington.edu/admin/travel/
- Lodging/per diem rate tables, domestic:http://www.washington.edu/admin/finserv/travel/per.diem.2007.html
- Lodging/per diem rate tables, international:http://www.state.gov/m/a/als/prdm/
- Travel Agencies (state contract):http://www.washington.edu/admin/finserv/travel/travel.agencies.html
- Airfare contract (state contract):http://www.washington.edu/admin/finserv/travel/air.contracts.fares.html
- Car mileage rates: http://www.washington.edu/admin/travel/mileage.html
- Individual Travel Card Policyhttp://www.washington.edu/admin/travel/travelcardpolicy.html
- Individual Travel Card Applicationhttp://www.washington.edu/admin/travel/visa.html