Use Policy for Department Commons/Kitchen
General Statement:
The purpose of the Commons/Kitchen is to provide a space for faculty, staff, graduate and honors students for informal gathering, socializing, lunching, etc. It is up to the users of the Commons to solve any problems arising from joint use for different purposes. The Department's Commons Committee is responsible for considering problems, improvements, or changes in rules.
Specific Rules:
- Food and beverages are allowed in the Commons/Kitchen. Those who take coffee/lunch breaks in the Commons should be careful to avoid furniture and carpet damage resulting from spills, etc.
- Commons/Kitchen users are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, picking up their own trash, wiping down counters, washing and removing dishes used, and generally ensuring that the Commons/Kitchen remains clean.
- The Commons/Kitchen should not be used as a classroom or exam room unless other suitable rooms are unavailable. If other rooms (245, 250, 251, 409 or other classrooms) are unavailable, use of the Commons/Kitchen for formal meeting or classroom purposes should be arranged either with the Department Chair or the Commons Committee.
- Informal meetings and brownbags are encouraged in the Commons/Kitchen with the understanding that other faculty, staff, and students may discreetly use the area at the same time.
- Faculty meetings and colloquia will be held in Room 409. Arrangements should be coordinated with the Administrative Office.
- A coffee maker, toaster oven, and microwave are provided for your convenience. Coffee and edibles are not provided.