The Department of Sociology will provide grants to faculty to develop new courses, overhaul existing courses, or to enhance current courses. Grants will normally be in the range of $500 to $1000.
Funds may be used to purchase books, videos for a departmental video library, and other course materials; provide experiential learning opportunities; establish an undergraduate research symposium; provide field trip opportunities; and to provide travel funds for guest speakers.
Faculty wishing to request a grant should submit a brief proposal describing the proposed use and impact of the funds. A budget indicating funding request and use of the funds should be included. The proposal should also indicate if this is a one-time request or if the funds will be needed on a recurring basis (e.g., for a field trip for the class each time it's taught).
Proposals will be reviewed by the Executive Committee twice per year and should be submitted to the Administrator by November 1 or April 1 to be considered for each cycle.
This initiative is being funded from Extension Credit Fees, Evening Degree Fees, Non-matriculated student fees, and/or the Schrag Discretionary fund.