The 2020 cohort of Sociology honors students are all students to be proud of; please join us for a brief celebratory event via Zoom on Wednesday June 10th from 2:30 to 4:00pm to celebrate their accomplishments.
These students worked diligently from autumn through winter quarter, developing their ideas, conducting a literature review, crafting a proposal, and detailing their study design. Much like a first- or second-year graduate student, honors candidates need to take responsibility for independent learning, lots of initiative, and tremendous perseverance. Faculty and graduate students help them along the way, but this is their project, their ideas, their work, and their product to be proud of!
Despite the interruptions and uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, these students are completing their theses and will graduate with honors. The entire department is immensely proud of them and their sociological imagination!
Each presenting student will be invited to share a brief summary of their research, followed by remarks from their mentor(s). Following this, we invite questions from the audience. We conclude with a “Lightning Round” when the students will tell us briefly about their plans following graduation.
Please join us!
2020 Sociology Honors Students and Mentors
Xueqi (Vivian) CHEN - Bill Lavely
Julia KOH - Kate Stovel & Connor Gilroy
Peter NOVELLO- Ross Matsueda & Charles Lanfear
Laura OVERSTREET- Steven Pfaff and Selen Guler
Amira RAMIZ- Sara Curran
Emma SCHER – Julie Brines
Logan YOUNG- Emily Knaphus-Soran
2020 Honors Posters Session Presenters
Xueqi (Vivian) Chen
"Suicide Among Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Americans: A Comparative Study"
Julia Koh
"Finding appreciation in appropriation: Asian subgroups of cultural appropriation"
Laura Overstreet
"Green burial: Experience of Participants and Workers"
Emma Scher
“The Effects of Sorority and Fraternity Household Regulations on Sorority Women’s Social Realities.”
Logan Young
"Researching the Researchers: Agency and Constraint in Topic, Method, and Subject Choice among Sociology Researchers"
Lightning Session
What’s next for our Honors students?